Pigs disease, blue cookies, and a jailbreak

Start from the beginning

"Then the three will come with us and stay with the Weasley's and the others staying at the Weasley residence." Charlie says with a grin.

"How soon must they go?" Sally asks.

"Immediately." Dumbledore says.

"No, I'll go in three days. I haven't seen my mom in three months, I want some time with her." Percy retorts in his voice that is barely above a whisper but is heard by all.

"Baby." The glasses kid Potter says in a quiet voice. Demigods have exceptionally good hearing, especially so for Nico, Jason and Percy. Jason's eyes harden, and Nico knows Percy heard it even though he shows no signs of it. Hey, dad, know you're listening. I'll be bringing a new soul to the underworld soon.

Nico sends the silent thought to his dad to give him a heads up. No one gets away with insulting my Percy!

"Nico, that one's mine." Jason mutters under his breath so only Nico, and likely Percy can hear.

"Not a chance in hell, he's getting the express ticket to my dad's place."

"Both of you can't kill any of them...yet." Percy's voice makes both slouch slightly muttering curses in Greek. Percy ignores their complaints as he shows no signs of leaving Snape's lap.

"You all can go, come back in three days. Oh, except Sevy he's mine for now."

"Percy, I don't belong to you." Snape says with amusement sparkling in his eyes.

"I know" Percy's expression turned thoughtful. "Still can't leave though."

Jason and Nico laugh at Snape's helpless expression. The wizards and Witch are soon sent out, but not before a redhead the Charlie one says, "I look forward to you three coming." That one's okay, the other three kids are a no. The man that smells like a dog is also okay since he seems to care about Sally. The old guy...I'll wait to pass judgement.

Jason slung his hand over Nico's shoulder, getting a light glare from Nico. "So Sevy, we have some catching up to do." Jason says imitating Percy's cute way of addressing Snape.

"I have yet to meet you Jason, so what's too catch up on." Snape shoots back. "Don't call me Sevy. Nor do I know either of your godly parentages other than Percy's."

"Fair, well I'm Jason Grace, son of Drama Queen..." Thunder rumbles and Jason snickers alongside Percy and Nico. "Sorry dad, I mean Jupiter. I'm a roman. Nico you already know son of Hades, Greek. Almost forgot, Percy of Neptune, also a roman."

Snape's eyes go wide. "Three kids of the big three?!" He yells, ignored by the three who are getting into an argument.

"Hey, it's Poseidon Lightning bug!" Nico yells. "He's Greek like me!"

"What?! Nope, converted him a while ago, he's roman now. Sorry Greek." Jason says with a smirk. The two almost get back to a naming war when Percy interrupts.

"Hey Mom, are there more cookies?"

"Yes hon, in the kitchen, I'll grab some." Sally says.

"Percy, don't eat too many cookies." Paul laughs.

"You three have some explaining to do, with the three of you together you must attract lots of monsters." Snape says at last. Drat, this is going to be rough...should I send Percy upstairs, so he doesn't have to talk about the past?

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now