"Neither." He smiled tightly.

"Oh god... was is crazytit?" I joked, remembering when Adam had let it spill that Johnny had told me about Jonny's crazy Ex.

"Actually, it was Steven."

"Steven, from your office?" I asked, rest my head on his shoulder, watching TV, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"He's handling our move " he told me. "He was just letting me know the paperwork is ready."

"Yeah, what paper work?" I asked, my attention still on the TV.

"The paper work for our new house." Jonny whispered in my ear. At first I didn't think I heard him right, but when I turned around in his arms, he was grinning wide and his eyes were on me.

"What?" I asked, disbelieving.

"Baby, we got the house...we have a home." He yelled out excitedly, pulling me closer and lifting me off of my feet.

"No way! Seriously." I squealed, wrapping my legs around his waist, looking down at him, resting my head against his.

"We have a house...we can FINALLY move in together." He laughed, spining is around on the spot.

"See, I told you if we started packing, something would finally happen." I grinned down at him, moving my hands and brushing my fingers through his hair.

"You were right, as always babe." He chuckled, reaching up connecting our lips.

"So..." I smiled, pulling away from Jonny who pouted a little at the loss of contact. I smiled and quickly pecked his lips before pulling back again.

"When do we sign the papers? When can we move in?" I asked excitedly.

"We sign the papers on Monday, get the keys in two weeks." He chuckled at my excitement.

"So...what now?"

"Now we tell mum and dad the good news." He grinned, pulling out his phone. I jumped to the floor and we both walked downstairs where we sat on the sofa as Jonny dialed his mums number.

"Hello..." Jackie's voice called through the phone.

"Hi mum." Jonny called as the same time I called out,

"Hi Jackie."

"Oh hello loves, is everything OK?" She spoke, it sounded like she was walking about.

"Martin, Jonny and Tori are on the phone." She told him.

"Oh hello Bambino, Bambina."

"Hi dad."

"Hi Martin."

"So what's going on?" Jackie asked.

"Well, Tori and I have some good news." Jonny began.

"What, what's going on?"

"Tori and I, were moving in together." Jonny cheered.

"Yeah, we know that, you told two weeks ago." Jackie reminded us, making Jonny and I chuckle as we looked at each other.

"No, I mean, it's really happening, we put an offer on the house we liked, we just got the call, we got the house, we sign the papers on Monday." I explained.

"Oh, my loves that fantastic. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks mum. We're happy for us too." Jonny laughed.

"So, where abouts are you moving to. Oh I hope it's that really nice hows you showed me the other week, that one round the corner to me." She rambled on.

"Actually, that's the house we chose." I told her, laughing when I heard her squeal.

"What's that? A house?" Martin asked Jackie who was quiet, so I assumed she nodded.

"We sign the papers and hand over money on Monday morning, and on friday we can pick up the keys." Jonny informed the two who happily chitchated.

"What time on Monday?"

"About 10ish, but it will take an hour or so to sort out. Why?"

"Oh, I'm having lunch with Grandma on Monday, I was thinking maybe you guys could meet us after, celebrate your new home?"

"Actually that sounds good mum, I haven't seen Grandma for a while." Jonny agreed.

"Yeah and you know I never say no to lunch with my favourite Goodman." I added, hearing Jackie chuckle and Jonny and Martin complain.

"Well, then we'll see you on Monday. And again, congratulations."

"Thanks mum, we'll see you Monday."

"I love you both." She called.

"We love you too!" Jonny and I called before hanging up.

We quiet for a while before I crawled over and climbed on Jonny's lap, curling up as his arms wrapped around me tightly, resting his head on top of mine, occasionally placing soft kisses on the top of my head. And that was how we sat, for a while, not saying a word, just sitting happily on each others arms, both excited about taking next step in our lives.

"I really love you Goodman." I whispered up to Jonny, snuggling closer into his chest.

"I love you too Bell." He chuckled.

"I fancy a pizza for dinner, what about you?" I asked, sitting up, looking over at my boyfriend.

"Yeah, I'm down for pizza, how about you go grab us both a beer, I'll order. You and the usual?"

"Yes, please." I smiled, leaning over and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I can't wait to finally spend every day and night with you, in our new home."

"Me too baby, me too."

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