Chapter 78

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A few old trees were scattered in the courtyard, and the bluestone tables and chairs were shady in the shade of the trees. There was a mess on the top, and dozens of centuries-old grasses were planted around the ground. A clear spring in the corner of the wall is made into the shape of a gourd.

This scene is not only horrible, but also very familiar. Wen Jing and Jun Yan have lived in Hui Shifeng for many years and have seen it more than once.

This is the scene of the Luyi door, similar to seven or eight.

Wen Jing wiped his face and looked at the tall room that was a dozen feet away. "Brother, do you have a strange feeling? I have a kind of sight that immediately sees Master coming out."

Jun Yanzhi does not know what "visual perception" is, but he also understands the meaning of Wen Jing. Duan Xuan slowly stepped out of Lu's stone house, Wen Jing and Jun Yan have seen more or less several times.

In other words, Lian Wenjing feels that this place is like the residence of the main peak of Hui Shifeng!

Jun Yan's way: "Go in and see."

"Be careful."

Jun Yanzhi guarded Wen Jing behind him and walked slowly to the front of the main house, looking through the window. Wenjing looks like a leopard hunting only four ways, listening to all directions, for fear of any accident, whispered: "What did you see?"

Jun Yan's eyebrows, gently push open the door.

"Brothers are careful!"

"Oh," the door opened.

Surrounded by quiet, very peaceful, only heard the sound of spring water.

There seemed to be someone in the room, the beds were neat, the desks and tables and chairs were wiped clean, the teacups were placed on the table, and there was a book that saw half of them.

Wen Jing could not help but wipe a forehead, whispered: "Sister, this place looks like..."

Jun Yanzhi nodded slightly: "Yes, this is the room of Lu Shizu."

Wen Jing did not speak.

Put this metamorphosis.

This room is furnished with nine images. If Duan Xuan kept the room of Lu Hao as it was, they would not be so easily recognized.

"He came here for three days every year, and it is hard to make it for..." The more he said, the more oozing people were, and Wen Jing muttered. "Don't tell me that Lu Shizu's body is here too."

What is ice love, the taste is slightly heavy. This is the same as human beings, □ □, etc. Wen Jing accepts not.

Jun Yan slowly slammed into the back door, and thought it without a word. He gently opened the back door and saw an elegant and quiet small yard. The old trees covered the sky, the flowers were blooming, and a stone tablet that looked like a dozen years was simply written.

"The tomb of the younger brother Lu Yu."

There is no life, no status, no other status, "tea brother Lu Yan", this is the Lu Shizu in the eyes.

Wen Jing and Jun Yan are silent.

The mountain wind blew, the leaves swayed gently in the wind, and the early summer sun was scattered into a swaying halo, which was passed over Wenjing's face from time to time.

Wen Jing whispered: "Lu Shizu... How did you die in the past?"

Jun Yanzhi clung to the hand of Wen Jing, turned his head and looked at him for a while, his mood was surging, as if there were thousands of words to say, and did not know how to talk about it. He printed a kiss on Wenjing's forehead and whispered: "I am only glad that you are still by my side."

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