[ three] decorations - december 7

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"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong.
No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has
always got there first, and is waiting for it.
               -- Terry Pratchett in ,,Reaper Man''

      three ✘ decorations ✘ december 7 (days to christmas: 18)

       It was Sunday and Robin was fucked.

       Not in the nice, I just got laid way. In the shit way.

       It might have been kind of her own fault, but really, she didn’t mean to get nothing done. She simply did not have the energy to get out of bed. It was below freezing point, for God’s sake. Who blamed her? And Addison didn’t give off the right vibe too, because Robin could hear her snoring below her. (So, maybe Addison finished everything already, but still.)

       She stared up at the ceiling lamp burning her eyes, as she listened quietly to the soft breaths coming from the bottom bunk. She had her arms under her head while she blissfully floated in between asleep and awake. She had decided that there wasn’t really anything she could do about the work she hadn’t done (even though there was), so she had given up on it as she crawled back into bed. That was three hours ago. Now she needed a wee and some hot chocolate, but the bed was actually surprisingly comfortable for a campus.

       Sighing, Robin lifted herself on her underarms, looking around dazedly. Her mind had gone pudding from all the things she didn’t do. Maybe it was a good time to get up from the bed and check out some books, or visit Zeke or lie back down…

       She laid back down.


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              stealfromthepoor: zeke
              stealfromthepoor: zeke
              stealfromthepoor: zeke
              turnerroundforme: what
              stealfromthepoor: pls come visit me?
              turnerroundforme: no
              turnerroundforme: i am at work
              stealfromthepoor: don’t u know im miserable?
              turnerroundforme: i do. u just want me 2 bring u tea
              stealfromthepoor: u read my mind
              turnerroundforme: pls go away u r distracting me
              stealfromthepoor: ;-)
              turnerroundforme: bye




       “Will you make me some tea?”

       No reply. Robin guessed she fell back asleep. She sighed in annoyance and finally pushed herself to get out from under the covers and put on some clothes and get out there. And so she did. With some difficulties (almost fell of the ladder to her bunk bed) she finally stumbled out of the room, her hair a wild mess and her shirt probably inside out, but she had a coat over it, so it wasn’t that bad. If her coat wasn’t inside out too, at least. Robin looked down. Safe.

       She walked down the corridor of the second level, while tying her hair up in a bun so she didn’t completely look like a homeless person and wouldn’t risk getting money from people. Not that that would be bad.

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