Do you want to catch a movie sometime?

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Ian's POV

I was standing at her door, I kept trying to knock by part of me stopped me every time. I must of looked like an idiot, but I knew what I needed to say, but I didn't know if I had the strength. "Ian?" I heard Lucy call from behind, "I thought you were inside?" I asked confused, "no I just popped out, what are you doing here?" She asked confused, "I-I-I just wanted to ask, if y-y-you wanted to go and grab some food sometime?" I asked her, she looked at me in confusion and then in happiness. "Yes, I would love to" she said, wrapping me in her arms.

Lucy's POV

"You and Ian what?" Troian said, for about the trillionth time, "for goodness sake will you keep it down?" I snapped pulling her into my dressing room. "I can't believe this, the fans are going to go mental" Troian said completely ignoring my desperate cries for her to shut up. After rambling on about shipping us together she then pulled me into a hug satin how adorable this was, and I could't help but sigh.

Ashley's POV

I watched Troian come out of Lucy's dressing room, with a huge smile in her face, "you guys weren't making out in there were you" I said, with one brow raised, she just laughed and walked off. I knew something was up, so I went to find Shay if she knew, but I couldn't find he. I called her number but it went straight to voicemail, the next thing I know we are all being called to set for our next scene. But with minutes until action Shay is nowhere, and Marline is not happy.

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