Are You Okay?

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Lucy's POV

"Cut" Marline yelled from of set, and we all broke character. "I am still gonna kill you" Shay snarled at Ashley, "You have some flour..."  Troian pointed out, and Ashley and I just giggled, as Shay sat there fuming. I started to walk to the my next scene with Ian, when I heard Troian run up behind me "hey, what are you doing now?" she asked, "I have a scene with Ian then I have lunch, you?" I replied, "I am off until after lunch, where I am with you" She said pushing me. "So I think I will come and annoy you, how does that sound?" I just glared at her in response.

Ashley's POV

I could barley keep a straight face during me and Shays next scene, she was still angry I could tell. Marline practically forced us to take five, after about thirty minutes of trying to do a 2 minute scene. "Comon Shay" I said playfully, hitting her shoulder. I could see her to resist a smile, "Nope, you are gonna have to plead more then that" she said regaining her straight face, "okay I will get you coffee tomorrow" I said sighing, "throw in a doughnut and we have a deal" she said pulling me back to set.

Troian's POV

Keegan came with me to watch Lucy's next scene, but in the end we just spent the hole time laughing to Marline kicked us off. 

Keegan's POV

Ian, Tyler and I all met up, for lunch. As normal we sat next to the girls all joking around. Me and Tyler kept nudging each other at Ian desperate attempt to hide his feelings for Lucy.

Troian's POV

After lunch with the girls went back to my dressing room, I stared at myself in the mirror, hating pretty much all I saw. "Troy?" I heard Lucy call, as she entered my room. 

Lucy's POV

I knew what Troian did after lunch, I caught her once, she still doesn't know, but now I keep a close eye on her. "are you okay?" I asked walking towards her, she just looked at me,her eyes filled with tears, "I-" she stuttered, "Don't say anything" I said, wrapping her up in my arms, "its okay" I whispered, stroking her hair. 

Don't worry I am not making Troian and Lucy in love or anything, they are just best friends!!!

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