"You are gorgeous, Little One. Don't know if you know that. Thought I should mention it,"

"Oh, thank you, Sir," he hummed and his hands started working their way up my arms, rubbing them slightly and squeezing certain parts.

While his fingers dug into my shoulders and arms, my mind wandered. Ken was right. I needed to tell Master Knight about what was going on. It was his club and he didn't like it when people hid things from him. But, he's looked happier since Charlie came back and I didn't want to hurt him by telling him that his submissive was an abusive brat.

Maybe I could just send in an anonymous tip or letter to him. That way he wouldn't know it was me, but he could still know. That would still mean telling him, but at least he wouldn't blame me for ruining his relationship with his submissive. On the other hand, if Charlie found out, he could get me fired and I would be evicted from my apartment. I didn't need that. I didn't want to be back out on the streets again, having to sell myself to make rent or get food or—

"Quinn?" I inhaled sharply and blinked, trying to focus on the man in front of me. His face was etched in worry and his hands were on my neck, "Quinn, you're shaking. What were you thinking about that's made you so nervous?"

"It's nothing. I'm sorry, Master Alex. I was distracted,"

Master Alex sighed and pat the bed next to him. I moved off his lap and sat next to him. He kept a hand running through my hair.

"Quinn, do you know what I do to pay for my membership here?"

"No, Sir,"

"I am a psychiatrist. I wasn't going to say anything because it's not my business as we aren't in a contract, but I must speak my mind and I hope you'll forgive me for it. I don't know much about you, but I've noticed you. A lot. You're bold, you're gorgeous, you don't mind the attention and you will speak your mind if it's the wrong kind. You don't act like the typical submissive here. It's not until you're near Charlie or Master Knight that you actually show a submissive side. I'm concerned that something's happened and you aren't saying anything,"

"How did you know? I mean, how did you figure it out,"

"I told you. I've noticed you. There are certain signs people do subconsciously that tell how they're feeling. For example, you stepped away from Charlie tonight and you gripped my hand. You were looking for reassurance. Is there something going on that you want to get off your chest?"

"I don't know,"

Master Alex rested a hand on my knee and nodded, "I know that talking about a difficult situation is hard. But sometimes it's easier to tell a stranger than someone you know. Granted, we do know each other, but only slightly. When you figure it out and you need someone to talk to, I can be there for you, or if you want a distraction, I can be there for that too. I will give you my card so you can contact me at any time,"

"Thank you, Master Alex," I rested my hand on his arm and lightly dug my fingertips into his skin, "Now about that distraction,"

Master Alex laughed and turned so he was hovering over me, "That is something I can definitely provide,"


After the events of Saturday night, I called Ken and told him I wasn't feeling good and needed to take a couple days off work. Ken immediately took me off the schedule and told me to feel better.

While I wasn't technically sick, I felt nauseous every time I thought about Saturday. Charlie was becoming a thorn in my side and if Master Alex had figured me out, I was sure that everyone else had, including Master Knight. I spent three days picking up the phone to call Ken and tell him that I was feeling fine or to call Master Alex, but I set the phone down every time.

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