Time Stands Still ☼

Start from the beginning

"A promise is a promise." Baby teased, after Jimmy groaned when she had found him and asked him about it

"Okay, okay. Fine. Just follow me so we can go get my stuff out of my locker." He admitted to defeat, leading the girl down the hallway to where his locker was

Baby watched him sort through his stuff, looking for his science text book. She tapped on the shoulder him when she noticed Rick, still covered in paint and feathers, approaching the two with a backpack.

"How are you holding up?" Jimmy asked the boy

"Good." He replied

"That was awful what they did to you. No one deserves that." Baby added, getting a small nod in return

"Kind of surprised to see you here this afternoon." Jimmy admitted, taking in the messy appearance of the boy

"Yeah. I bet you are." Rick quietly laughed, staring at the ground, starting to make the girl uncomfortable

"Look, I'm really sorry about everything, okay?" Jimmy continued, "And if those guys give you any more problems, I got your back. Or Baby, because she usually has to knock common sense into Spinner."

"Like you stabbed me in the back?" Rick questioned, taking the older boy back in surprise

"What?" Jimmy asked

"You set the whole thing up." Rick snapped

"Rick, come on, I defended you." Jimmy promised, confused at the boy's accusation

Both of the teens stomachs dropped, when Rick reached into his backpack and pulled out a pistol. Jimmy gently pushed Baby behind him, as the two both began to panic and fear for their lives. Baby felt the color from her face drain, when she saw the look of anger and betrayal in Rick's eyes.

"Is that real?" Baby softly asked from behind Jimmy

"The whole time you pretended to be my friend." Rick said, lifting the gun and pointing it at Jimmy, who began to back up while keeping the girl behind him.

"You made me do this." He continued, closing his eyes and placing his hand on the trigger

"Run." Jimmy whispered

Neither of the two hesitated, turning to sprint down the hallway. The blonde halted to a stop when she heard the loud ring of the gun go off, and a cry of pain come from Jimmy.

His body slumped against her own, and she gently put him on the floor as Rick ran off. "Jimmy. Jimmy? Jimmy! Come on, please wake up." Baby sobbed, placing pressure on the wound on the older boy's back

Students began sprinting down the hallway to get away from Rick. Blood seeped through Jimmy's jacket and covered Baby's once spotless hands.

She continued crying as she sat there, clueless on what to do. There was no one close enough around to help. No one ever thought a shooting could occur at a school like Degrassi

"Somebody help! Please!" Baby cried to the seemingly empty hallway

"Jimmy! Baby!" Craig screamed, noticing the two's position on the floor, and the petrified girl's face

"Craig, I don't know what to do. He can't die." Baby sobbed, taking off her jacket, using it to put more pressure on the gunshot wound

The police and ambulance arrived soon after, and EMT's put Jimmy's body on a stretcher. Craig held Baby close to him as they both cried for their injured friend. One of the cops told the two teens that Rick was injured, and they had him secured.

It wasn't until later that they'd tell them the shooter had actually died.

Blood stained Baby's pale white hands and clothes. She couldn't shake away the shock of the situation, as cops escorted all the kids who came in contact with Rick to rooms where they could ask them questions.

Baby quickly hugged Sean and Toby when she saw them both in the room the cops escorted her to. Sean tried to ask the girl questions about the blood on bed clothes and hands, but she couldn't seem to form any words.

The cops questioned the Roberts girl as much as the could, before the EMT's asked bed to come with them to the hospital to check for any possible injuries. It was clear nothing was going physically wrong, except for the momentary shock. When Baby asked them where her parents were, they told the girl they'd meet them at the hospital.

After being cleared of all injuries, and requesting a counselor for her parents to check out, Baby sat in the waiting room with Hazel and Paige, waiting for any news on the fate of Jimmy Brooks

After hours in the waiting room, Baby's moms convinced her to go to the candle light ceremony, where she quickly found Emma standing with Toby and JT.

The girl approached them, and JT immediately held his girlfriend in his arms. She remained silent as they admired the candles and pictures students had set up for Jimmy.

She didn't stay for long, requesting her moms to take her back to the hospital so she could wait and check up on Jimmy's condition, feeling a responsibility towards the injured boy.

The Roberts girl was now connected to Jimmy in a way she never thought or wanted to be. The situation would haunt the girl, as well as the rest of the school forever, shaping the way anyone would continue on from that day.


This chapter was a lot and was very difficult to write. Shootings are a tricky and triggering thing to cover, and I hope I did proper justice to this story line.

 Shootings are a tricky and triggering thing to cover, and I hope I did proper justice to this story line

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