Traded for a Rose (Part Three)

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The door opened after her third knock, and in the doorway, the Beast stood, staring down at her. At first, she stood there with her mouth hanging open, and then she nearly screamed at him for frightening her. She had expected someone else to answer the door, but when he appeared there, she did not have any time to prepare herself. Was this another change from the E.L.A? He was not glowing, but Mr. Unknown said that CLOAK would have to fix it first.

She wanted to run, but her legs trembled and remained rooted to the step she stood on. Remain humble, stay strong, she chanted in her mind, but how could she? How was she supposed to finish the story when she could not even get past the door?

Beauty closed her eyes and then reopened them to give the Beast another chance. She needed to look past his exterior and see him for what he was inside. Was he a man? Or was he a monster? Her lips trembled, and so, to stop them, she bit down on her bottom lip and accidentally drew blood. She licked the blood away. She grimaced over the iron taste in her mouth. Beauty glanced up at the Beast and realized that he was waiting for her to adjust to his appearance. Though the Beast did nothing to relieve her of her fears, he seemed content to let her mind run wild, as if he were judging her for himself.

Her father had described him as a demon, and with a deer-like face, he was a monstrous being, like a shapeshifter who wore an animal's skin. Bony, branch-like antlers protruded from the sides of his head. With long, extended limbs that were twice the length of a human's, his body was slim and covered with brown fur and random patches of moss. Hunched forward in the doorway to avoid hitting his head on the door frame, he appeared as a humanoid-like buck wearing human clothing, which consisted of black pants and a white button-up shirt.

"I'm sorry if I am inconveniencing you," Beauty said with a soft voice. Surprised that her voice wasn't trembling, she took a deep breath and then continued, "My father dropped me off. He said that I would live here from now on."

The Beast stepped to the side and motioned for her to walk in. In a deep voice, he said, "Leave your bag by the door. One of the servants will take it to your room. Now, if you will come with me, so we may talk."

Beauty held her breath as she stepped closer to him and walked over the threshold. The Beast closed the door behind her. A mystical depression shrouded the world within the mansion. She stopped to gawk at the fanciful foyer with its antiquated, medieval-styled furniture, delicate blue moldings, and striped wallpaper. As the Beast waited patiently behind her, she tore her gaze from the scene and walked further into his world.

She set her bag down and waited for the Beast to lead her. He stepped away from the door and strode through the foyer toward a long hallway. They exited the room and entered the hall. Beauty looked at each of the large doors with curiosity as they passed them. Her interest vanished once the feeling of being watched surfaced. The portraits that hung from the dark green walls appeared as if their eyes shadowed her movement.

She directed her attention to the Beast in front of her. He remained silent as he escorted her through the mansion. She still was not sure if the E.L.A had altered anything else within the story aside from her father. Mr. Unknown must be observing her, so she needed to focus and complete the story. If the E.L.A tried to harm her, she needed to protect herself somehow.

"We've arrived," the Beast stated while standing outside a large, magnificent mahogany doorway with intricate designs carved into the wood.

The Beast reached out and turned the doorknob. Beauty noticed that he had the hands of a human, which she found interesting since he had an animal's appearance. She glanced up at his face and then saw that he was waiting for her acknowledgment.

She nodded because she was not sure what to say in reply. The Beast opened the door and waited for her to enter the room.

Massive bookshelves and a blazing fireplace immediately greeted her. A large recliner sat next to the fire. Stairs led to a second floor, which had more bookshelves, a desk with a chair, and a couch. Amazed by the vast number of books, assorted colors, and beautiful furniture, Beauty forgot that the Beast was there for a moment.

As though he were amused, the Beast's mouth turned upward into a smile. "I see that you like books," he said.

The words came out of her mouth before she could think about what to say. "I love to read and am intrigued by discovering new worlds and stories."

"Then this room is yours. Now, come and sit with me, so that we may talk."

She was confused by how the room belonged to her. She blurted out information she did not even know about herself. She forced her thoughts away and then followed the Beast to the second floor. He sat in the chair behind the desk while she chose the sofa. She continued to observe him, appreciating the way he interacted with the world around him. Everything that he touched or held, he treated them as though they were precious and delicate.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Beauty. And yours?"

"I do not have a name. You may call me whatever you deem appropriate."

"I don't understand. How can you not have a name?"

"Ah. I misspoke. I have a name, but I do not wish to hear it."

Beauty stilled as she cursed men and their refusal to give her their real names. She hoped Mr. Unknown heard her thoughts too.

"I don't know what to call you then."

"You may address me in the same manner as your father did."

"He called you a beast. Are you sure?"

He looked down at his interlaced hands on top of the desk. "Yes."

"Why am I here?" Beauty asked. "My father told me you would...kill him if he didn't bring me. Is that true?"

He chuckled, which was a deep sound that echoed throughout the room. "I made him believe that I would. He stole one of my precious roses. Before I could say anything to him, he told me that the flower was for his youngest daughter. So, I told him that since he stole from me that I would take from him. I told him that I would only accept you if you came here of your own free will."

Beauty did not think that her father gave her a choice in coming to the mansion, but she would not tell that to the Beast. She planned to follow the story, so even if he had given her a choice, she would have chosen to meet the Beast, anyway.

"You are magnificent, as he said you were."

"Is that a problem?"

"No. I would have accepted you either way. Appearances do not matter to me. From now on, you are the mistress of my home. I ask that you dine with me for dinner every night from now on. You may go anywhere you please within the mansion. Do not be afraid, as nothing in this place will ever harm you. If you are ever afraid of something and it tries to hurt you, you only need to tell me. I will protect you, Beauty."

Her father lied to her about the Beast. He appeared as though he might harm her from his appearance alone. She had been correct in her estimation of his character. Like her sisters, they seemed beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside. Beauty smiled at the Beast, as her body had relaxed after he stated that he would protect her.

"I have one more thing to add before I have one of my servants send you to your room." The Beast paused and appeared torn, as his eyes drifted from her face toward the window that revealed the gardens' delicate grandeur. After a moment of silence, the Beast said, "You don't have to answer me right away. I will ask you each night until you reply." The Beast turned his attention back to her and captured her gaze. "Beauty, would you do me the honor of becoming my bride?"

Beauty stilled and had not expected that from him. Marriage to the Beast? Her eyes widened when she remembered Mr. Unknown. Was this what he meant by going along with the story? Was she meant to fall in love?

"As I said, you don't need to answer me now. I will fetch you when dinner is ready. My butler, Hughes, will show you to your room."

Beauty turned toward the stairs when she heard footsteps and saw a shadow-like figure. Hughes had a human's shape, but it was as though a massive shadow enveloped his entire being.

"Please do not be afraid, mistress. If you would follow me, I will show you to your new quarters."

Beauty stood from her seat and glanced at the Beast before following the butler's shadowy figure down the staircase. The Beast appeared sad as he watched her leave. Beauty knew that there was more to this story. Once she saw the Beast again, she would question him to discover the secrets of both the mansion and its owner. 

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