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What you need to know:
(Y/N): Your Name
(F/C): Favorite Color
Chi Ōkami: Blood Wolf (in Japanese)
You are a winter wolf with gold eyes.
Ok, now onto the story!

"We are here, Lady (Y/N)," my driver told me. I looked out of the window to see a huge school. Cherryton Academy. I've never been to a real school before, I've been homeschooled for my whole life since my father didn't want me to go to public school since we were in the mafia.

"Do I have to go?" I whined to my driver. Lee, one of the oldest members of Chi Ōkami, glared at me through the mirror.

"Yes, Lady (Y/N). It is your fathers orders. Now get out of the car before I drag you out by your tail," he growled.

I sighed in defeat. "Ok Mr. Grumpy-Pants," I muttered under my breath. I grabbed my suitcase that was on the floor and opened the door, climbing out of the car, suitcase in hand... or technically paw. The sun was shinning brightly, making my white fur shine. As soon as I shut the car door, Lee drove off. I watched as the car grew smaller and smaller, wishing I didn't have to go to school.

"Wait, what?!" I stared at my father.

"You heard me! I decided to send you to Cherryton Academy! I want my little pup to live her last years as a teenager like a normal teenager! I know, you don't want to leave your poor father alone, but I will be fine," my father cried. I sweat dropped.

"Well I haven't been normal since I was born. I'm going to be the next leader of Chi Ōkami, going to school isn't necessary," I said, trying to convince father to not let me go.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Just think about all the fun you will have! It is a very hard decision for me to let my pup out of the den, but I'm doing this because I love you. However, there will be one rule. No boyfriends."

"Come on, (Y/N)! Let loose!" Someone said from behind me. Oh yeah, I forgot. My father sent two other members with me. I turned my head. Asahi, who was 3 months older than me, was behind me. He was a light grey wolf, just like my father, and he had black eyes with a scar on his cheek from training. His brother stood next to him. He was a brown wolf with green eyes named Hinata. Asahi got his looks from their mother and Hinata got his looks from their father. We all have been close friends for the longest time. "What, you scared?"

My eyes widened slightly. "W-What? Scared? Me?! Psh, no way," I crossed my arms and looked away from Asahi. He laughed and punched my arm.

"Oh yeah? Then let's go!" Asahi said, walking towards the academy.

"Don't listen to him, (Y/N). We all are a little nervous," Hinata said softly, putting his hand on my shoulder. Hinata was the softer one of the two brothers while Asahi was more outgoing. For twins, they are awfully different. I nodded at Hinata and started walking to Asahi, Hinata following.

"I'm surprised we even got accepted here. Your old man must of begged the headmaster here to let us go here," Asahi said when me and Hinata caught up.

"Knowing him, probably," I shrugged. Asahi stopped, so I stopped as well.

"I mean, the headmaster is probably going to want us chained up at all times so we don't "attack any students". Or maybe they will make us wear a muzzle," Asahi laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Asahi, you should probably sto-," Hinata said.

"Oh, what if they make us wear a leash and tie us up to the table during class!" Asahi continued laughing.

"Asahi, look!" Hinata whisper shouted at Asahi.

"Or what if they keep us in a cage for student safety reasons?" Asahi ignored Hinata.

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