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💭eddie pov💭
tw: mention of s*icide, child abuse and gay slurs stay safe :)
Go ahead and cry little boy, you know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through, you gotta let it out soon, just let it out.
-daddy issues by the neighborhood

"hello eddie." mrs. torrents says as she walks into my room for personal therapy. "hi." i reply quietly. she sits down and gets out her clipboard.

"so is it okay if i ask you a few questions?" she asks. she clips a paper into her clipboard and takes out a blue pen.

"sure." i reply

"have you been having any trouble sleeping?"

i think back to last night to cuddling with richie at 12 am, "no ma'am."

she nods and writes something down on her clipboard. "have you been experiencing any bad dreams? like nightmares?"


"m'kay, have you been experiencing any panic attacks or anything like that?"

"no ma'am."

"what about depressing thoughts or thoughts of suicide."

"no ma'am."

she asks me a few more questions about my mental health and how i'm adjusting to the facility.

"so this is a mandatory question and i have to ask. keep in mind you can tell me anything eddie." she pauses and sighs "but have you been experiencing any homosexual thoughts about any of the other boys here?"

i feel heat rush to my cheeks and my face turn a light shade of pink "n-no ma'am." i lie

"you sure?" she asks with her eyebrow slightly raised.

"no." i admit "do i have to tell you who it is?"

"no, just do whatever your comfortable with." she says softly.

"well i do like someone. maybe a little." i lie. i think i might be in love with richie at this point.

she smiles and nods as she writes something on her clipboard.

after personal therapy was lunch. i walk into the cafeteria go by the lunch line and pick up a not so fresh salad and sit down with the others.

"hey cutie." richie winks and grins at me.

"shut up!" i say through my teeth. bill and stan giggle at us and continue on with their conversation.

"so how was therapy." richie asks.

"good i guess." i shrug "how about you?"

"ok i guess it just gets annoying cause she repeats the same bullshit about how being gay is a sin over and over again." he sighs.

"i'm sorry chee that's pretty shitty." i respond.

"yeah i know." he slumps over in his seat.


i'm sitting on my bed when richie runs through the door.

"hey cutie." richie smirks. "hello richard." i roll my eyes and laugh softly. richie puts his hand on my cheek and presses our lips together. i kiss back and run my fingers through his hair.

as were kissing the door bursts open and the dean looks at us in shock. we quickly pull away and tears sting my eyes.

"FAGGOTS! IN MY OFFICE NOW!" he demands as he grabs our wrists and drags us out of my room and into his office.

he practically throws us in the chairs in front of his desk and i start to sob quietly. the dean punches me in the face. "STOP CRYING YOURE NOT A GIRL!" he spits. richie glances at me and gives me a sympathetic look then glares at the dean.

"would you care to explain why i saw richard run into your room, edward. and then find you KISSING!" he roars.

"i-i-i'm sorry...sir." i say with my head down while trying to fight back tears.

"SORRY DOESNT CUT IT FAIRY!" he yells as he pounds his fist on his desk i flinch. "NOW YOU PAY FOR YOUR SINS!" he roars. he kicks richie out of his chair and punches me in the nose. blood starts pouring out of my nostrils and i whimper.

he kicks richie in the stomach, and punches him in the face. richies glasses break right in half and they fall off his face. the dean grabs him by the collar of his shirt and punches him in the face again.

"s-stop!" i whimper. the dean drops richie and he falls to the ground, "STOP? YOU WANT ME TO STOP I CANT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR SINS" he yells as he kicks my in the stomach and slaps me across the face. he continues to punch me in the face and i start hearing a ringing in my ears and before i knew it, all i saw was black.

a/n: happy easter lmao im probably not gonna be able to update tomorrow sorry :(

words: 780

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