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☁️eddie pov☁️
Oh baby, oh man, you're making my crazy, really driving me mad, that's all right with me, it's really no fuss, as long as you're next to me, just the two of us
-my kind of woman by mac demarco

"edward kaspbrack i'm very disappointed in you." my mom said with seemingly no emotion.

"i know." i said quietly

"pack a bag i found somewhere to send you." she said firmly "you're sick."

i ran upstairs and got out my suitcase while tears fell from my face and onto my hands as i put clothes into my suitcase. i finished packing and came downstairs.

"get in the car." she said. i obeyed and walked out the door and into the car.

she started the car and started driving until she parked in front of a large grey building with a sign on it that says "derry conversion camp" i gulp as i walk in. my mom walks up to the counter signs some papers and talks to them for a second then she walks up to me and says "get well soon eddie bear." she hugs me but i just stand there i don't hug back.

a frail woman with long black hair and bangs takes me to a room with a desk, a bed with thin sheets on it, and a dresser. she tells me that this is my room and i can decorate it however i want to but with no "faggot" memorabilia i nod and set my suitcase on the ground next to my bed and start crying i didn't stop crying until a different lady walked into my room and ordered me to get out of the bed and go to the cafeteria for lunch. i obeyed and walked into the cafeteria i sit down at a table with a cute taller boy with shaggy black hair and large glasses. another boy with curly brown hair and a blue button up shirt, and another boy with brown hair and a green baseball shirt.

"hey you new here?" the raven haired boy asked

i nod and he says "well i'm richie tozier. that's stan the man uris and billiam denbrough.

stan rolls his eyes and bill shakes his head at his friend

"that's nuh-not our real nuh-names i'm buh-bill and he's just stuh-stanley" bill says while gesturing to stan

"i'm eddie kaspbrack." i reply

"well welcome to the losers club ed's." richie says while smiling

"don't call me ed's." i reply

"okay eddie spaghetti." he replies

i roll my eyes and get up to go get food from the lunch line. i wouldn't call it food though it looked more like vomit to be honest.

i got my food and sat back down with the others.

"so how did you get here?" richie whispered as he scooted closer to me.

"what?" i asked

"like how did your parents find out?" he whispers

"oh um they found my secret instagram account where i talked about me being gay." i said quietly. "what about you?"

"my parents walked in on me making out with a guy." he replies as he rests head on his hand.

"what about you guys?" i asked

"our parents found out we're dating." bill whispered while looking at stan.

stan blushed and nodded and my mouth went into an o shape.

after lunch we had free time where we could hang out outside, draw, read an anti lgbt book, or go into our room just to be alone.

i walked into the free time room and spot richie annoying stan who is trying to draw.

"hey it looks like your mom." richie said to stan while pointing to his drawing of a bird.

"shut up richie my life in already miserable i don't need you making it worse." stan said through his teeth. i sat down in front of richie and bill sat next to me.

"hey eddie spaghetti how's life been." richie said sarcastically.

"don't call me that." i replied while sliding a piece of paper over to myself and grabbing a pencil.

"whatcha drawin'" richie says in a valley girl voice.

"i actually have no idea." i admit as i put down the pencil. and stare at the blank paper.

"draw me." richie says as he places the palm of his hands under his chin and smiles.

i chuckle and say "sure why not."

after a few minutes i finished the sketch and gave it to him.

"wow thanks ed's i wasn't expecting it to actually look good." richie says with his eyebrows raised.

"no problem richie."


"ok lights out fags" a man with grey hair and a handle bar mustache says as he shoves the kids into their rooms.

i climb under my covers and cry myself to sleep not because i missed my mom but because she thought i was sick. and didnt love me enough to except me.

a/n: hey guys that's the first chapter i hope you guys liked it i'm excited to write this book i hope you guys liked it bye!

words: 853

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