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🌼eddie pov🌼
The only time I ever see her, is when she's behind me in the mirror, even from a distance I can hear her, try to listen, but her whispers make my ears hurt.
- sex with a ghost by teddy hyde
tw: child abuse
i woke up the next day to the familiar sound of adults yelling and children groaning. i crawl out of bed and make my way to the cafeteria. i sit down at my seat and richie sits next to me. i glance over at him he has a giant bruise on his cheek and a black eye.

"holy shit richie are you okay?" i say

"yeah i'm fine but that dean is a bitch." richie sighs

"i'm sorry richie you don't deserve this." i reply as i place my hand on his arm.

"thanks ed's." he says while smiling a little.

"is it buh-bad i'm kinda happy it's personal th-therapy day." bill says while taking a bite out of his burnt toast.

"you know what me too but i think i'm just excited to find out if mrs Torrence is excepting or not." i shrugged

"well i'm terrified of mr. brown." stan sighed.

"ha ha loserrrr." richie teased.

"shut uh-up richie." bill glared at the raven haired boy.

"yeah richie." i lightly hit him on the shoulder.

"ow i think my arm in broken." richie said sarcastically

i rolled my eyes and said "whatever tozier." and he chuckled softly.


i walked into my room for personal therapy and sit on the end of my bed with my legs hanging off waiting for mrs. torrence to walk in.

a few minutes later i hear a familiar voice say "hey eddie sorry i'm a little late." she walks in and turns the chair at my desk around to face me.

"it's ok." i mumble while bouncing my leg up and down on my bed frame.

"ok so since you're relatively new to the facility. let's get to know each other." she says as she clips a paper into a clip board and takes out a pen.

"well i'm eddie and i'm still kinda confused to why i'm in here." i say quietly

"i know it's confusing at first and i really wish that you didn't have to go through it. it's gonna get hard at times to put up with the abuse you get from the staff here but it will be over before you know it." she softly smiles at me

"thanks mrs torrence." i smile back.

"well i'm wendy torrence, i live with my wi- husband and my son Danny who is 4 years old right now." she says

i nod and she says "i hate to be so upfront and if you don't feel comfortable enough to talk with me about this, that's totally fine but has your mother ever abused you, like mentally, or physically. i usually ask kids this."

i sigh and say "well yes, mentally and physically ever since i was very young she's had me on these placebos and if i forget to take my medication she would scream at me about how i need them and at times get very violent and hit me or sometimes worse."

she frowns and writes something down on the clipboard "what do you mean by sometimes worse?"

"like i have a very vivid memory of me when i was very young like kindergarten maybe,  but she picked me up from school and i told her how i made a he was a boy named dustin and how he had two missing front teeth so it gave him a lisp. as soon as i mentioned his lisp she lectured me on how i shouldn't be friends with a boy like him and he could be a bad influence on me. and when we got home and i said something about him being really kind and funny she grabbed my by the arm and slapped me across the face" i respond while messing with my hands

she writes something else on her clipboard and says "thank you eddie do have any other memories like that?"

"yeah theres a lot." i admit

"did this abuse happen often?" she asks

i nod and say "two or three times a day"

"i'm very sorry eddie." she writes something down on the clipboard "you're very strong for putting up with her."

"thanks." i say

she smiles a little and says "our time is up so is there any questions or concerns you have about anything really?"

"yeah actually why are you so much nicer and more excepting than the other workers?" i ask while getting up.

"well all i can say is, maybe we have something in common that you wouldn't expect." she says as she puts everything into a small bag and leaves. as the sound of doors opening and closing fill the hallway.

that night when i went to bed i finally felt like i had something that i haven't had in a very long time and that was people that really care about me.

a/n: hey guys! sorry for not updating yesterday i started online school so i was super busy i might post another chapter but probably not. anyway have a nice day stay safe :)

words: 886

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