Delsin Rowe- Your British accent.

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(Requests stills open!) ps: S/E/N- School enemy name
You closed the locker, sighing. You glared to your backpack, taking away the headphones and your phone. You couldn’t concentrate in the music today…
Your mind was full of it… Full of painful worlds that you were bomb every day… You didn’t understand it. Why people don’t like you? Because of your British accent? (If you rent British, plz deal with it) What’s wrong with it? You quite didn’t take it, why people treat you like that…
_Hey British dork!
You sighed, you turned around facing your school enemy (S/E/N). You hated her/him so badly, you couldn’t take the names and threats, but not only was in school, she/he persecuted you when you walk to your home after school.
She/he walked up to you, when she/he stop in front of you, you couldn’t help but trammeling very hardy. She/he noticed it and starting laughing while her/his friends approach to you.
_What’s up British dork? Are you scared?
You felt something hot grabbing your collar lifting you up in the air. You started to scream for help but it was only you and them. You felt her/him squeeze you in the locker, you moan of pain looking at them with fair in your eyes. 
_Are you ready for the fits?- Asked (S/E/N) raising a fist to your face.
You closed your eyes preparing to the pain. You felt something strong hitting your nose, you put your hands on it and your body collided on the floor. You could hear the laughs and fingers pointed at you while you screamed because of the pain that you felt in your stomach. They are kicking you… Very badly. 
You couldn’t take anymore… You couldn’t hold the tears in your eyes; you promised to you that you never cry in front of them but… You can’t more hold it.  
You felt the tears filled your eyes. And that moment was when the horrible nightmare begins. They glared to you with their mouths open by surprise.
_Lea-leave me alone!- You sobbed._ You thi-think that you can take the piss of it?
_Sorry, what did you said?- They asked you.
_I-I am saying to… Leave me alone!- You screamed.
_Oh, and why you are thinking that he gonna do that? Hum?
You were about to say something until you felt another pain in your stomach. You coughed blood…
That’s it…
_You… Wazzock!- You shouted.
And… There it was. Again.
You felt the pain inside your body, squeezing you. You felt that when the anger rise in your skin and your eyes. You tried to control it, but today… You couldn’t any more.
_Argh!- You screamed of pain.
That’s when you felt your eyes shut off, and the pain trying to free from your skin. You felt a hot air hitting your skin.
You open your eyes and your mouth was open. Ruins was submitted in your vision, the bodies of the group of bullies were laying down on the ground full of blood.
_God! What did I did?! ARGH!
You launch your hands on you head, horrified. Why didn’t you control it?! You promised to you that you control it!
But… Today. Was when your life changed.
_I…Killed them.- You muttered.
You didn’t know if you want to be happy for it or sad. They treated you like an idiot… You felt a piece of happiness to see them, lying on the ground, with the treatment that they merit. But… You felt sad, because… You quite didn’t know why you felt that.
That day… Was when you started hiding in the shadows. You lived in Seattle, and when you find out that more people were like you… With powers. You felt happy that same one was like you. You aren’t the only.
But you couldn’t show you. Because… Of the D.U.P. That idiots that every day chase poor conduits and do, god knows what… You are afraid to be revealed that you lived in beaches and roofs. You lived in the streets but you didn’t really import that… 
You were walking in the streets of Seattle. You felt the cold air hit your naked legs and arms… You let out a shiver.
_Where do you think you are going?
You heard a male voice, you turned your head. You saw a boy with your age leaning in a wall being grabbed by other male.
_Lea-leave me alone!- Said the boy.
_No, until you gave me the five dollars! Gimme now! Or you want to be in the ground?
You felt your eyes full of anger. You walked to them, they looked to you, both surprised.
_Leave him alone.- You said, your voice was demanding.
_And what? What you gonna do about that?
You grinned looking down. You raised your hand, they looked to it with their mouths open.
_Bi-Bio… Bioterrorist!
He screamed letting the boy fall on the ground and started running. You drew a smile on your lips, you looked down seeing the teenager boy looking at you.
_Than-Thank you.- He said.
_No… Problem.- You said shyly.
You were always shy and very sweet but everyone looked to your defects and never saw your beautiful side.
_What is your name?- You asked.
_Eu-Eugene. You?
A strange silent there. You sighed looing down waiting to he say something… You heard him calling you, you lifted your head with a shyly smile.
_Y-Yes?- You asked.
_You are con-conduit too, hum?
_You… Too?- You asked.
He adjusted his glasses and a shyly smile invaded his lips.
_Yes, I am a conduit of video. And you?
Your (E/C) orbs glared to his. You trammeling responded…
_Cool, I really like music, do you like video games too?
_Well… I think. It’s really good.
You and Eugene turned to best friends and you were living in his place. You loved it! It was really quite despise the CDS of video games scattered on the ground everywhere. You, were always playing video game with him and he was always listening to your music.
He was the only one friend that you had, and you didn’t need more. He didn’t look to your defects like the others, and you feel happy.
You then noticed that you started to free yourself. The shy and sweet girl turned to a tomboy and rebel kind girl that as always hiding inside you because of the bullies. You dyed your (H/C) (H/I) tips of your hair to a red blue and white that was amazing against your skin.
You never felt so happy in your life despise the fucking D.U.P. that is always chasing you and Eugene but you two can always find a way out.
You were in your room playing guitar. Until you heard a knock on your door… You sighed putting the guitar on the bed.
_Yes.- You answer.
You looked at the door open and your (E/C) orbs meted Eugene’s face. You drew a smile on your lips…
_Oh Gene! What it is?- You asked.
_I have here a friend that I told you. He is here now.
_Oh, just… A minute.
He nodded closing the door. You get up from your bed changing your clothes to a (F/N) t-shirt band, a black jeans and a (F/C) jacket, you adjusted it and started walking to the door. You closed it walking to the games room seeing a tall figure with Eugene.
You saw the figure turned to you. You gulped feeling a dark blush crossed your cheeks. The male was tall, he has a red beanie, a blue denim jacket with two birds on the back and back jeans. He has with a chain wrapped around his wrist.
That’s when you meet your new crush… Delsin Rowe.
_Delsin… You know… I think this is not a good idea.
_Oh, come on (Y/N)! We had done very tags and fight the D.U.P very times! You know that I am trying to show my talent, baby!
You giggled in the last part. Delsin bit his lower lip looking to your (E/N)… Oh boy. You looked so cute when you giggled about him.
_Well, you are right. We had done this, so… We can do it again!- You said, your eyes shinned up.
You take away a spray paint. You looked back seeing Delsin prepared to do it, when he noticed that you were glaring at him, he looked over you and winked, that made you blush.
_Go first.
You tried to hide the blush with your jacket and started to spray paint the score. You drew a smile of satisfaction seeing the two birds beating the D.U.P soldiers.
_Done! You are next!
You turned back with a smile that fainted when you saw that Delsin, wasn’t there anymore. You looked around trying to find him but in vain.
_Delsin?!- You screamed hurried.
You started to panic but you felt something hot grabbing your body and a hand cover your mouth. You started to scream and trying to realize but, he was strong!
_Humph!- Escaped your lips.
You open your mouth biting the finger that was in your mouth. A scream invaded the air and you turned back seeing… Delsin.
_You bloody idiot! You scared me to death!
_Ah fuck! You bit me hard!
_You deserve it!- You answer with a laugh.
_Just… Call the dups and shut up!
You laughed hard turning back grabbing your phone calling the D.U.P forces. You toke a glance to him and laugh again looking that he was with his finger that you bit in his mouth.
_Yes? Can we help you?
_Well, I will like that you see my talent on your scores.- You said with a slyly smile.
_You two again!
The call ended. You turned back and saw that D.U.P was there.
_Who kills the more Dups, win something!- Delsin said jumping down.
You laughed jumped down to the D.U.P soldiers.
_You’re on!
You pointed your hand to the D.U.P soldiers firing music notes. They started firing to you and Delsin, you jumped grabbing your chain hitting one.
_One!- You said.
You lifted your hand shooting to the soldier that was right in front of you. He fell to the ground…
You smashed your hand on a D.U.P face that made him ell to the ground. You grinned putting a foot on his chest and raised your hand shooting to him.
You looked around you. You were cornered by all the soldiers that was pointing his guns to you. You looked around sighing annoyed… Delsin wasn’t there. Again… He is such a fucking dick every time!
You closed your eyes lifting your arms on the air surrounding.
_Came closer!- You heard a voice.
You tried to hid the slyly smile that was in your lips. You toke a step ahead and felt a pair of hands grabbing your arms. You open your eyes putting your hands on his head.
_Ta-ra!- I said.
Waves of music was running throw your finger transferring to his head. You saw smoke getting out his head.
_FIRE!- Someone shout.
You felt the pain of the bullets against your skin. You hated it, and when you felt that pain you stayed angry and you felt that strong and vibrant feeling inside of you. That if explodes, everything around your fly in the air.
And that’s your smart plan.
You bit you lip trying to free some pain, you screamed. You started to feel the strong and vibrant thing inside you.
You closed your eyes and you felt the cold air hitting your body. You felt something trying to get out off your skin.
_Watch out!
And then you felt that get out of you and a wave of air hit your body.
You open your eyes. You drew a smile on your lips seeing that every soldier was laying on the ground. You jumped raising a fist on the air.
_I did it!
You felt something hot wrapping your body, you turned your head meeting a brown eyes staring at yours. You smiled taking a way the air that was in front of your eyes… But you smile disbanded and my expression changed to an angry one.
_You okay Babe?
_Okay? You left me there alone you bloody pervert!
_Ohhhhh… Oh come on Babe. Ya’ know that I wanted you to win to I give you the award!
You rolled your eyes.
_And what is it?- You asked.
He smiled slyly and closed his eyes touching his forehead on mine.
_What the hell are you doing?- You asked, I small pink blush was visible on your cheeks.
You felt something hot against your lips. You were so shocked that you have your eyes open looking to Delsin’s eyes, they are full close, concentrated on what he was doing.
You were so happy that you felt fireworks inside you and your heart beating so much that was capable to get out off your chest.
You closed your eyes pressing your lips back, you stroke his hair and pressed it against yours. He smile against your lips, you felt his hand on you head and your back pressing your body to his strong one. You let out a moan that made him smirked.
He backed up his head looking to your eyes… You were so frustrated and sad because the kiss was so… Short.
_Delsin, I-
Before you could finish you saw his head lean down to your neck feeling his hot breath. You blushed and you felt his lips against your neck giving kisses… Those made you shiver and drew a small smile on your lips. He looked to you placing a kiss on your lips.
_I love you (Y/N)…
_Okay, are you telling the truth or are you being a bloody pervert again?
_No! You think that I am always a pervert? I am a good and gentle man!
You laughed hard, so hard that you fell to the ground with both hands on your stomach. Delsin blushed looking at you.
_It’s not funny!
_Oh? Seriously?
_Yeah! So shut up!
_Make me…!
_Oh, I will!
I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my body lifting me in the air.
_Delsin! What the hell are you doing?- You asked.
_You, you want me to shut up? Well, I’m gonna do that!
You blushed and he smirked.
_Hey… Delsin.
_Yeah babe?
_ Ta…
He smiled placing a kiss on your lips.
_ I fucking love your British accent…
(Requests still open!) 

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