Chapter 28: Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

"Can we go visit my family again?" I asked. It had been a while since I had actually gone to visit them.

I had gotten to go before the Gala event but I spared them the details of what actually would be happening there. My parents seemed relieved to see I was in one piece without any bruises or cuts on my body. Apparently my neighbors had ended up going to the Market as well and fate hadn't been as kind to them as it had to me.

They hadn't expected me when I arrived and so they were in a fit when Aaron walked in behind me and the house was what my mother described as a wreck and I countered it as being perfectly clean. But who was I to argue about the three plates in the sink and the wilting flowers in the living room? It was unacceptable for company to see.

"Of course," Aaron gently brushed strands of my hair behind my ear as he smiled adoringly at me.

"I had actually spoken with your parents the other day and had planned to go up there tomorrow sometime as a surprise for you, but you always seem to be one step ahead of me when it comes to planning." He admitted and I couldn't help but giggle at his play exasperation, "How am I ever going to surprise you with something if you continue to be ahead of me?"

"Tomorrow is fine!" I insisted, "I just haven't seen them in a bit and phone calls only help so much, you know? I miss my sister a ton as well."

"I'm sure you do. But you've been incredible through all of this and now you can see them whenever. I'm not worried about you backing out of this relationship anymore."

"I honestly can't believe you were worried about it in the first place. You always seemed so perfectly in control of your emotions."

Aaron paused as he took me in, "Not everything is so obvious. There were plenty of nights after you had fallen asleep that I would text Ashton and Tyler to tell them I was worried you wouldn't want me in the morning. I was convinced several times that I had pushed you too far and you were going to pack your bags and leave, but you never did."

"There were a few times towards the beginning when I thought that I wouldn't be able to do it either. I don't think I really ever got over that fear until Tyler talked to me in the garden." My voice was tight as I thought about all the emotions from that day, "I was convinced after I had that meltdown you were going to be done with me."


We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before I finally snuggled back into his chest and we resumed watching movies. I was grateful to be here and be in his arms. This was where I wanted to be all the time and it felt like I finally felt like I had a purpose.

Aaron had let me start working at the lingerie shop part-time whenever I wanted just to keep me occupied while he trained with others, but he never made me go. I could sit and watch him train if I so felt like it and at first I did. But I trusted him after everything we had been through and felt silly for ever doubting that he would be loyal to me.

The next morning was exciting. I had decided to wear one of my nicer spring dresses. It had pink and blue flowers on and the dress itself was a light blue and fell to almost my knees. I was excited to see my family again and I was impatient when Aaron seemed to be taking forever.

When I was finally able to drag him from our room, it felt like everyone in the world wanted to stop and talk to us along the way before we could get to the car. Purposefully, Aaron would stop and talk to each individual along the way just to get my blood rushing. By the time we actually made it to the car, I was ready to knock him out and drive there myself, but he made jokes about my annoyance and told me that we had plenty of time and the rest of our lives to see them.

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