ant jam

711 44 17

his deep voice, sending a warm sensation throughout my body. but i couldn't do it. i couldn't look him in the eyes despite the fact i wanted more

i felt his finger gently tilt my head upwards to face his annoyingly good looking face.

"what do you want stupid."
i managed to say without stuttering

in that moment, i realized how close we were. our bodies both only merely cm away from each other again. this proximity isn't good for my heart


an arm wrapped round my waist, pulling me up against him until our bodies were pressed up against each other whilst his other hand cupped my cheek.

"then i'm yours."

tilting our heads, our lips neared until i finally felt his warm–


i blinked
and no, i was no longer in soonyoung's room but
now i was in history class where everyone was staring at me waiting for me to answer the question


mr park sighed, laying the piece of chalk down on his desk with a disappointed look on his face

"this is the second time you've been day dreaming in this lesson, is there something on your mind?"

you see, if i answered honestly in this situation the whole class would hear me rant about i was imagining me making out with soonyoung because i have the fattest crush on him but i'm too scared to make a move because it recently hit me that he had just been in a long term relationship with another girl.

what if i was just a rebound and that's why he flirts with me?

or he's just an overly friendly person and i'm just mistaking his actions as flirting?

long story short, i'm not confessing any time soon.

in perfect timing, the bell rang announcing the end of school day for the students. the most heavenly sound to hear. we all began packing up, ready to go home and have fun being unproductive

mr park reminded us
"remember the homework is due next week kids, anyone who doesn't do it has to walk into yoongi ssaem's office when he's sleeping." the students whimpered probably from fear because i'm scared too

seungkwan told me about this one time how hobi ssaem once annoyed him into waking up which was not a good move because the next day he came into class with a bowl cut achieved with no more than a bowl, scissors and one angry yoongi ssaem.

yeah exactly, not a good look.

he was the reason why hats were now permitted to be worn inside school grounds

"seulmin can you stay behind please, i need to talk to you." mr park demanded

now that's not good

mr park was a sweet, fair teacher and loved by everyone (especially yoongi ssaem) just like the other teachers, he was in his late 20's but that didn't mean he wasn't still hot. everyone could agree that mr park's visuals was something else. he was a mix between cute and hot.

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