I nod my head, pulling the card out of my back pocket and handing it over.

"Perfect, and this is altogether?" she asks and I nod my head silently.

Everyone starts chorusing a round of thank yous and I just keep my head straight. "Wow Tessy, that's really cool of yo-is that my debit card?" Sebastian asks as the lady hands the card back over to me.

I turn to face him with a smile, "Thanks big bro for paying, you're the best. Everybody thank Bass." My friends eyes are wide but my siblings and their friends chorus a loud thank you with a few chuckles in between.

Sebastian's jaw is dropped as he snatches the card out of my hand. "What the hell?"

I shrug, "I didn't have enough money."

His arms are spread wide and the look of disbelief on his face is comical, "So you stole my debit card? Why not Harry's since, you know, he actually has a job?"

Harry raises an eyebrow as he walks over to stand with us.

"Harry can be scary sometimes," I answer. Harry looks at Sebastian with a 'what can you do' look on his face.

"What about me?" Sebastian exclaims.

I can't fight the smirk on my face, "You I can take."

His jaw drops again. Olivia snorts loudly. She leans forward, her mouth is open but no sound is coming out of it and she's visibly shaking from laughter.

"How did you even know my pin?" He asks, shoving his wallet back in his pants pocket.

"You whisper it to yourself every time you're about to type it in, honestly I'm surprised no one has stolen it from you before." I walk past him, intentionally bumping into his shoulder as I go and move to stand next to my friends.

Drew has his arms folded across his chest and a look of disapproval on his face. "If you didn't have enough money then why didn't you just ask me?"

"Oh I have enough money but he owes me for things I can't mention to you," I grin, thinking of all the times I've had to lend him money over the years. "Besides, he would have paid for it anyway, he's just being dramatic."

"Tessa!" I turn around and look over at my brother who has his hands in his pockets. "Give it back."

I reach into my own pocket and pull out his wallet which I swiped when I bumped into him, "That took you a whole three minutes to notice."

He storms over to me and snatches the wallet out of my hands, "You," he points at my chest, "belong in juvie." He moves away and pouts to Cole. Cole pats him on the head and glares at me from across the room. I chuckle in response.

"Come on Tess," Drew sighs, putting his hand on his forehead.

"How did you do that?" Isaac asks, staring at me more intrigued that anything.

"Alright team up!" The safety instructors voice shouts over the general chatter around the room. "now, here are the rules-."

"You don't have to finish that sentence, we're already familiar with them," Olivia holds her hand up, waving off the safety instructor.

"Yeah, just let us in, we'll take it from there," Sebastian explains with a relaxed grin on his face. He catches my eye and mouth 'it is so on' and I simply smile in response.

"Uh, I would like to hear the safety rules," Jesse holds his arm up in the air, "Several times. And please thoroughly go over the part where we're not allowed to shoot anyone in the face... in specific detail." He takes his time making eye contact with each Hayes sibling.

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