I ignore his grumbling and march towards Emilio, who eyes me with a frown on his face. His brows furrow when I yank the blanket off of him.

"I'm borrowing this," I tell him shortly. I grab two large black shirts that were yet to be worn from a basket by the door. Twisting the knob open, I ignore the stares as I leave the pack house.

"Are you sure they're even mates?" I hear an exasperated voice ask another. I shut the door close.

I rush to the woods and undress completely, shifting into my wolf.

I feel my bones mend and my skin turn into dark grey fur. A surge of energy channels through me and I let my wolf surface.

And I let him guide me to Alexandria as we run north as fast as we could.


There she was, playing with a pebble like it was the most interesting thing ever.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her captivating light brown coat and the most alluring scar that runs through her side—a sign of her strength.

Taking a step forward, I note her wolf tense and she turns to me. She growls at us, incapable of feeling the mate bond.

"I don't think mate likes you," my wolf tells me.

"As if you're any different, Eliseo," I sigh.

Taking another risky step forward, my wolf wags his tail to show that we mean no danger. She stares at us with a look of indifference and I land another paw on the ground.

I drop the clothes I held with my teeth.

Feeling that we were starting to get too close, she stiffens and growls at us lowly in a threatening manner.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Eliseo informs me sarcastically.

Still, I could feel his spirit go down unintentionally. He wanted his mate back but it was something we both knew would take time.

Ignoring his mate's lack of affection, he treads towards her. We both earn a skeptical look from her but my wolf disregards this.

Unconsciously, he paces towards her like an idiot because we both lack brain cells. I groan mentally when I realize it might look like we were trying to attack her.

And as if it couldn't get any worse, my wolf jumps at her for an embrace.

Instead of a hug, we receive a hard hit to the scruff of our neck. The only pain I could feel was a slight sting before the cut closes up, leaving no indication of her attack.

Shaking off the surprise and shrugging it off, my wolf continues to throw himself at her without a single fuck in the world.

Alex's wolf continues to back away, questioning our actions.

Whenever she took a step back, we took a step forward. And whenever she growls at us, he growls back playfully.

Not wanting to wait any longer, my wolf prances towards her and rubs his muzzle on her fur. When there was no response but an emotionless glare, he turns to his underbelly as a sign of goodwill.

His Little MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now