Chapter XXVIII

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(Romans POV) 

Sooooooooo, today is a good day!! 

Its going to be a great day today! 


Because not only is tomorrow Patton and I's 10th year anniversary but today I'm going shopping for him! 

5 years is fantastic but freaking 10 years?!? I'm going to faint! 

We met while he was working at a Starbucks near my college! I made the big move of asking him out after seeing him and going to the same Starbucks 20 times a week, and lets say i did in a great way. 

He, as a employee, asked my what i wanted and i responded with 'i'll have a Carmel Mocha with a side of a cute barista named Patton on a date' he laughed and said he got off in 30 minutes, i told him that i would wait. 

And thats what started to all! Of course there were some small arguments and all, but we ended up together for a while! 

And... I'm going to try something a bit....wild....

That's why I'm going shopping! Patton is going to teach Virgil and somewhat Logan how to bake while i am going to run a errand. Its Saturday, but its a holiday so non of us had anything really to do so we are hanging out today. Then later today i am going to go and prepare like heck for tomorrow.  

Currently I'm driving to the place and I'm just gonna have to use my knowledge of Patton to pick this thing out for him. 

I chose the thing i wanted and headed back to Patton's apartment 

I hid the thing i got in my car and headed in. 

"Hey Romannn!" Patton cheered when i opened the door, and he'd i have a extra key because I'm his boyfriend...he has one for me too. 

"Hey Patton! How's the baking going?" I asked giving him a hug 

"Its going well! We are waiting for the cookies to fully bake!" 

"Patton I'm pretty sure the cookies are burning at this point..." Logan said calmly from the counter 

Patton ran to check the oven and pulled out the cookies. 

"Awww they looks so good!" He celebrated 

I laughed and sat beside Logan 

"Virgil dont touch the cookies, they are hot and need to cool first." Logan said to Virgil as he was about to take a cookie 

Once the cookies cooled we ate almost all of them and then decided to watch a movie. 

This time Patton and i got the couch and Logan and Virgil got the floor! HAH POWER COUPLE!  

This time we watched two musicals, we dont have enough time to watch all of them 

First was WestSideStory 

Second was SoundOfMusic! 

It was 3pm when we started and when we finished WestSideStory we took a pizza break! 

It was about 6 pm when we finished and we all went to our own apartments 

When i was home i texted to Patton; "Do you have anything going on tomorrow at 3pm?" 

"Nope! Absolutely nothing! Why?" He responded 

"Just a little something called a date I'd like to take you to?"  

"Sounds fun! Where to?" 

"Dont worry I'll pick you up!" 

"Hmph....okay but dont take me to another one of those escape rooms" 

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