Chapter XXVI

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{warning; angst} 

(Virgil POV)

A loud ringing is all I can hear

And all i can see.... is...Patton being held around the torso...with...with a knife to his Remus 

Roman starts screaming but I couldn't hear it. 

I was pushed slightly behind Logan for protection, but it wasn't much protection for i was suddenly pulled back

"It's very nice to ssssee you again Virgil" i heard in my ear 

How...its Deceit 

I looked forward to see Logan looking at me worryingly 

The ringing in my ear grew louder, I couldn't hear what Logan was yelling in front of me 

My vision soon got blurry, but i could feel being dropped and being picked up again 

"Virgil,       Breathe      Me" is all i could hear 

I tried to breathe bit it was hard 

"Good       Virgil, keep      "

I blinked some more times to be able see better

I could see Logan in front of me, but i could see a tall...half human...half snake... behind Logan

"H-he'" my breathing sped up again and i couldn't talk fluently 

I spoke to late, Logan was grabbed in a chokehold by Deceit 

I screamed, i couldn't hear it but i bet everyone could

Then everything went black

In flashing images i saw deceit beneath me with my hands at his neck

And he was....


Soon after....a gunshot and pure pain.

I shot up in tears, uncontrollably shaking, and I couldn't breathe 

I felt two arm wrap around me

"It's nice to ssssee you again Virgil"  echoed through my ears and head 

"L-Let Go of me! No! LEt go!" I yelled  

The arms let go of me and I curled up into a ball

"Virgil, Virgil you need to breathe for me" HE said

"L-leave m-me alone! Leave me alone d-deceit" i cried 

"Its not Deceit, Virgil, its Logan" 

"L-Liar!" I held my hands over my ears

"Virgil dear, look at me" i heard his muffled voice 

I shook my head 

"Virgil, it was a nightmare, you're overreacting...thats your boyfriend Logan..." the voice in my head said, I haven't heard it in a while...ever since I really met Logan...

I looked up and saw Logan, he looked sad

I cried harder, "I-I'm" 

"Its okay Virgil, may i touch yo-"

I cut him off by hugging him 

He hugged back and we both sat there for me to calm down 

'W-what time is it?" I mumbled 

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