That's the Tea-

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Hello, so I made this short story after being inspired by a cute thing on Reddit. Also sorry if I got the genders wrong! I couldn't tell what gender was what so I basically assumed they were feminine dudes.

Also I'm British so we call cocoa 'hot chocolate' so if I accidentally call it that, I'm super sorry-

Not to mention I write in bold (mainly because I can't really see thin text well- idk why) so sorry if it shows up again in the story-

Songs I recommend listening to:

Hello My Love by Westlife

Ride by Twenty One Pilots


Coffee Boi - Marco

Tea boi - Joan

Cocoa Boi - Sonny 



"Come on! Just a taste!"

"Fuck. No."

Marco felt his dark skinned arms cross and almost grasp each of his biceps. It was almost an instinct, he did this when he felt uncomfortable or when he was trying something new. In this case, it was both.

See, his two boyfriends were attempting to make him try drinks he never particularly liked. Hot Cocoa and tea. Tea just tastes like plain leaves to him. And something about cocoa just tastes odd. He tried them several years ago and hadn't tried it since. So ever since he confessed to his lovers about all this, they were determined to try it.

Marco and Joan met in high school. Neither particularly liked each other and it wasn't just because Marco would die for coffee while Joan loved tea. They were just... different. Marco played for the soccer team and was quite outspoken and loud. Joan was quiet, preferred a good book to read and was usually reserved in his opinions.

It was when Marco came out that the two started to talk. Marco had come out of the closet with the support of his close friends and family and... let's just say not everyone was happy. Marco became the target of bullies and to Marco's surprise, Joan was pissed that Marco had to endure all of this. And to Marco's surprise, Joan was gay too and actually knew a lot about self defence. He discovered this when Joan ended up punching Rocky right in the face. Then the two started to learn a lot about each other. Joan was from Britain and loved rock and roll. Marco grew up in America and also like similar music to Joan. They were both gay and while Marco had an accepting family, Joan had none. The two are also loved Law and Order*. They became close friends after that.

Then they started dating just after graduation.

Joan mainly focussed on English with hopes of being an English teacher while Marco focussed on becoming a coach. It was through an art club that they met Sonny. Joan and Marco both silently agreed that Sonny was absolutely adorable. And Sonny thought Marco was precious and Joan looked gorgeous. The three soon became close and started meeting outside the club. Soon Sonny had moved into their apartment and Marco and Joan soon learned more about Sonny: that Sonny wanted to work in daycare, that he loved pink, art and that he loved hot cocoa. They both adored his cute habit of wearing blankets around the house, his love for rainbow sprinkles and how much compassion and love he had for everyone. Despite their differences, the three became good friends and Sonny soon ended up falling for the two...

Except Sonny couldn't keep a secret to save his life and ended up confessing his feelings towards the pair.

Ever since, the three had been dating for almost two years. And now Sonny and Joan were trying to convince Marco to try tea or cocoa again. One of the two.

Joan soon came up behind Marco and wrapped his arms around him. Marco half leaned against the Male, who wore his favourite yellow cardigan. Marco loved it because it was soft and the colour suited Joan well.

"Come on, the pompous water perfectly suits you." Marco blushed as Joan murmured in his ear. "My little grandiose Prince."

'Little Grandiose Prince' was a nickname Joan always had for Marco since high school. It was supposed to be an insult but it soon turned into a special nickname Joan had for him.

"Sh...Shut up..." Marco muttered and hid his flushed face in the taller male's neck. He breathed in deeply when he smelt mint leaves. Joan must have had mint tea this morning.

Sonny soon joined the hug, Marco knew because he felt Sonny's favourite blanket nuzzle his arm. Marco got Sonny a pink heart patterned blanket for his birthday. Since then, the youngest hadn't taken it off and was deeply attached to it. Marco could see a few blonde curls peak out from under the blanket.

"Babe? I promise it's nice." Sonny spoke, smiling up at Marco. Marco realised he was talking about the cocoa. "I'll even put rainbow sprinkles on it."

"You make a compelling argument, sunshine." Marco teased Sonny, who grumbled as he cuddled up to the two of them.

He then hesitated as he just stuck close to his two boyfriends. He really didn't like trying new things. But he wanted to make his boyfriends happy...

"Prince? You don't have to if you don't want to." Joan whispered to Marco, stroking his dark hair. Joan didn't like it when Marco clung to his own arms. He knew that meant Marco was uncomfortable or nervous and he didn't want to make his boyfriend stressed.

Marco stayed quiet for a while longer before wrapping his arms around his two boyfriends. "What if I just have the whipped cream from the cocoa?"

This seemed to work. Sonny beamed up at Marco and squeaked excitedly. "I'll make some now!"

Marco laughed as Sonny rushed around the kitchen happily and Joan kissed him all over his dark skinned face. He was glad he could make some form of compromise with his boyfriends. He didn't like seeing them sad.

Ten minutes later, Sonny was spoon feeding Marco the whipped cream covered in rainbow sprinkles - all while Marco was being cuddled by Joan who was sipping at his tea. Marco did like the smell of tea but he could never like the taste of those stupid leaves. Later they'd cuddle in bed or on the couch. They'd probably watch some Law And Order while snuggled up to each other or talk about their days and things that happened.

Despite their differences, Marco thought the three of them were cute.



Also hope y'all liked it. Give me some reviews or constructive criticism so I know what I can do to improve.

Thank you! 

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