Todd and Kit

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(Guess who finally updated on here-)

Todd had tried everything.

He had made cookies while Kit was out and left them on the table for him when he got home, after going out late to drink the night away. They were stale and cold when Todd eventually threw them away a week later.

He had made Kit's favourite food every time he came from work. Only to find it cold the next morning and Kit not there.

He thought the fair might help. It had come into town two weeks after the fight. So he went to take Kit there. Todd had a glimmer of hope when Kit came with him. But then he spent the entire time in the hall of mirrors. Todd left alone, realising Kit wasn't going to speak to him for a while. Kit had even worn silver piercings and had eaten Italian or garlic foods most days. It got to the point where Todd couldn't even enter the kitchen and ended up going to chinese take outs and pizza places for dinner.

That's where he was two months after the fight, slumped down on the table with some of his friend - Dave, a fellow vampire, Mac, a werewolf and Mouse, a fairy (though he looked so gothic, Todd thought he was a vampire).

"Have you spoken to him?" Mac asked, before biting into a slice of pizza.

"I wish. But I physically can't. He's been eating garlic and has been wearing silver piercings ever since the fight."

Mouse sighed sadly, watching the vampire, his face covered by his long black hair. Mouse riddled with his blue hair before asking. "What was the fight about anyway?"

Todd sat up, revealing an exhausted face. His baggy eyes were drained and his face looked more pale than usual. "I asked him if I could share my soul with him."

Dave's jaw dropped. "You-"

"I know it was a dumb question to ask!" Todd snapped and buried his head in his arms.

"Todd, I wasn't gonna say that and you know it." Dave said, rubbing his back.


"But you know humans aren't used to that idea."

"I thought it was time. Everything seemed to be ok. We were happy. He seemed happy. So I asked him."

The werewolf took a deep breath. "What did he say?"

"'Why would you ask that?', 'Do you think I wanna throw my human life away to be immortal?', that sorta thing. The rest was a blur. We both yelled at each other a lot. And then he left. And came home with those things." Todd's voice cracked towards the end and Dave suddenly hugged Todd, who hugged his friend. "I was an idiot. I should've just... talked about it or something."

"Well you still can talk about it."

"Mouse, I cant even stay in the same room as him. I've had to go to the fucking attic."

Todd suddenly went quiet, crying into Dave's shoulder. Mac and Mouse ended up hugging him too.

All that could be heard was Todd's heavy breathing and seemingly endless sobbing.

"I know he has every right to be mad but I wanna kill Kit for doing this." Mouse said later on, as he, Dave and Mac walked home. Todd didn't want to go home and just went off to get some blood. No one blamed him.

"Do you think Kit would talk to us?" Dave asked.

"Fuck no. Especially not you. If Todd can't even stay in the same room as Kit, you definitely can't go in." Mac spoke, his dark skinned hand reaching for a cigarette.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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