"How long?" Riggs asked lighting up a cigarette.

"Until the red tape is processed. Couple, three days. Getz is going to testify before a commission of inquiry. Drugs, laundered money, etc." He explained  "hey willy l'll be there in 10 minutes."

"This is a shit assignment" Riggs whispered to me.

"This is not a shot assignment" the captain said

"Yes it is" I said

"No it isn't" he continued to argue

"Captain this is a shit assignment" murtaugh agreed

"Well since we only need two for the job. Murtaugh you can go. Riggs, Williams will you two be alright together"

"I'd be worried for his safety not mine"I joked

"Captain are you sure this is a good idea" Rog said

"Just go" Riggs said

"Okay shut up all of you" the captain said "I've guaranteed Getz's safety"

"Why us?" I asked

"You two are the most qualified. And... after last night, Murtaugh you could use the break." He said

"What do we do with him?" I asked

"Take him to Disneyland." The captain shrugged

"This stinks. This stinks." Riggs muttered

"l don't give a fuck! That's why l don't have an ulcer because l know when to say that."the captain said almost laughing  "Here's where he's staying. A nice hotel. The Justice Department is paying. Enjoy yourselves.One more thing."

The captain took a no smoking sign from his desk and threw it to Riggs.

"Know what that says?"

"Yeah. Same thing as that, but l don't give a f*ck." he laughed pointing to the sign on the door

Me and Riggs left the office and went to grab our coats.

"Bye Rog" I said

"Don't kill eachother" he shouted after us

"He still doesn't know about the truce" I laughed " it's kinda funny"

We walked out into the street and Riggs took his keys out of his pocket.

"First call" I said

"Just the two  of us" Riggs added

"I don't even need to call shotgun this time" I said clapping my hands together

"No, were going in this" I said opening my car door

"Nice car" he said letting out a low whistle "can I drive?"

"Fine, but if we get caught speeding your paying the fine" I said, completely forgetting that it wouldn't matter anyways.

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