A Gentle Wind

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A soft wind blew across gale High-school campus, the school was mostly empty because most of the students were either watching or playing in willoaways, there was only 6 students at campus that day, one of them being a student named aura
" its really quite around campus today wonder why no ones here?,"
aura sighed as he continued to lay in the grass, a lot of kids ran near him not bothering to say anything to the teenager they kept running towards the town plaza where a event was taking place
" wake up sleepy head you can't just lay in the grass all day,"
one of auras friends named kris said knocking on his head
" alright alright, I'm up what do you want kris?,"
Aura stood up and asked the black haired girl a question
" you forgot didn't you it's willoaways founding day!," she said slightly annoyed at aura
" so what does it have to do with me?"
aura stood up and started heading back to his apartment
" hey wai- oh forgot get it!,"
kris said stomping away, as aura walked back to his apartment he spotted multiple billboards adverting some miscellaneous things
" Hanoi?,"
he said confused. as he continued back to his apartment he passed the plaza, there was a event about willoaways founding day or something, he didn't really care about the event though so he started to walk away but as he was leaving he spotted on one of the screens a red looking figure atop a building
" there I found you!,"
He said as he rushed back to his apartment, when he got back to the apartment he pushed a button next to his bed and it revealed a secret room, he stepped inside the room
" active systems, log into willoaways!,"
As he said that the room started to glow
"logging on start,"
A robotic voice said, auras hair changed colour to white and teal he gained a gray Kings Cape and he gained white and blue light armour
" log in complete, welcome lifestream,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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