[20] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

Start from the beginning

"Hey, don't ignore me, you little bitch," she ordered in a haughty tone, and I did the opposite, I sat there strumming my fingers on the guitar, playing it softly. I could tell she was getting rather annoyed with me now.

"Did you know that ignoring people is extremely rude? Especially considering you're staying in our house and all," she snapped, not-so-quietly fuming. I gritted my teeth, and before I knew it I was on my feet, angry with her.

"Look, I don't want to be in your house any more than you want me to be. Frankly, you're being just as rude as I am for being a bitch to me when you don't even know me. Do you know why I'm here? I suppose you don't. So shut the hell up, because you don't know what shit I've been through to get here," I screeched in her face, tired of being bossed around by pretentious Barbie like girls who thought they were God's gift to mankind. Yeah, right, I scoffed internally.

Saskia stared at me for a few moments, her eyes wide in surprise, before clenching and unclenching her fists. In the meantime she slowly sauntered towards me, her jaw tightening, and her eyes narrowed into small blazing slits of fury. She had some nerve to stand up to me after I just aired my thoughts.

"Who the hell do you think you are, to talk to me like that?!" she hissed, very, very angrily. I pressed my lips into a hard line and glared at her, daring her to contradict me.

"Elizabeth Johnson. Now, if you don't mind, get out and leave me alone. I have no wish to succumb to your bad breath," I answered pointedly.

She glared at me for a few more moments, then turned away, storming across the room. I relaxed after she brushed past her brother and stormed downstairs, because I really didn't like people at such close proximity.

Dominic remained where he was, still glaring harshly at me. "You have an attitude problem, Johnson. You might want to sort it before she causes you an injury." He threatened. I remained calm on the outside, still boiling on the inside. "And by the way...you think she has bad breath, have you smelt your own lately?"

He left me with that thought and closed the door a little harder than necessary. I remained staring at the door, my mind reeling. They didn't know what crap I had been through to get here, why the hell were they acting like this? I hadn't done anything to them, for god's sake!

I wondered how I would fit in at school. I was only going to be there for a couple of weeks, but if it was even slightly worse than St Sheridan's, it would seem like a lifetime. If that were the case, I wasn't particularly looking forward to meeting my new classmates.

I sighed, turned around and looked at my surroundings. Actually, the room wasn't too bad. It was a roomy, sunny area with huge floor length windows situated on one side. Next to the windows was a double bed, covered in a dark green quilt.

Judging from the past moment before the troublesome two entered, it was really comfortable and soft. I could imagine myself jumping up and down like on a trampoline. Alex would've joined in and we would have a blast. Shaking myself awake from my daydream, I continued absorbing my surroundings.

On the left side of my bed was a floor length mirror. I peered into it, wondering where my wardrobe was so I could store my clothes. Looking closer, I noticed a black rim. I presumed this would be the door panel. Stepping nearer, I reached out and pushed it to the left, causing the mirror to move. As it smoothly slid, it revealed a spacious wardrobe with enough space to store my luggage.

Turning around, I quickly strode across the room and picked up my suitcase. Reaching it, I flung it in the closet, not bothering with the spilled contents on the floor. Closing the closet, I decided to forget about the Twosome and send the Collins an email. Even though I would be gone for a month, they insisted on maintaining contact. Secretly I was glad that there were people who cared for me besides my dysfunctional family.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now