kidnapping and true love

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3rd Pov

As bendy woke up for school he remembered yesterday and his mood went out the window, along with his purpose. He got dressed and waited at the front door for the others. Everyone came down one by one, the tense atmosphere made Boris and Mugman sweat.

As they all walked to school, bendy and Cuphead exchange looks at each other. Boris and Mugman could tell that  they were both very upset about the day before. Boris and Mugman looked at each other and shrugged nervously, not knowing what to do.

They soon reached the school and parted ways to their classes. While time passed by it was time for lunch at some point.

Bendy's Pov

Me and Napoleon walk outside to eat our lunch. Napoleon points out how my sorrow is so obvious that even a roach would try to cheer me up. I let out a soft short giggle at his statement. I look into the mysterious blue sky and feel relaxed. Me and Napoleon finish our lunch and decide to walk around.

Me and Napoleon talk and walk till that girl from yesterday comes up to us. "Hey you!" She said while I look up and growled at her "what.." I stiffened. Napoleon nervously tape my shoulder and points. I look the way he is looking.

"Look, I don't wanna mess up your face so just try not to scream or run..." She smirked Evily giggling.

I look at two muscular men that stand behind her. What is she thinking! I take a step back in concern followed by Napoleon clenching on to my arm. Before I can run I hesitate as one man grabs my arm harshly and forces me into the van. Eventually I see Napoleon get tossed in as well.

We both stare at each other in disbelief. I could see Napoleon on a range of tears in  shock. He curled into a ball and started to shake his head 'no" quickly and harsh. I never saw this side of him, I think they finally cut the rope of sanity for him. Poor
Napoleon...He didn't even start this... It's my responsibility.

I grab Napoleon by his shoulders. "Don't worry, I promise you won't have to deal with this...okay?" I say softly in a whisper. 'okay' he cracked a small smile. I smirked and looked away. That's when it hit me. Wait, what DO they plan on doing. I cringe at my thoughts of what they might do. I wish I just stayed inside, like that would change fate.

Me and Napoleon huddle together in fear and anxiety till the van comes to a stop.  we look at each other nervous as the men tug us out of the van. We slowly walk up to old, run down, little brown house. We glance at things in the house before getting shoved into the basement. As we go farther down the temperature drops, it was freezing and the hard, cold cement floor didn't help.

3rd Pov

The men ordered they took their clothes off. The two boys silently exchanged a glance. They stood there not obeying their orders. One of the men walked into the darkness and came out with a short, sharp knife as he put it to Bendy's small fragile neck. The guy threatened to slit his neck if he didn't do what he said. Bendy gulped nervously and turned to Napoleon then nodded.

Of course bendy could use his ink to cover him and Napoleon up, but though he it was strange. The two boys sit on the floor, hugging their knees in fear.

Back at the school

Cuphead was looking for bendy because he missed like 4 classes. He worried sick about him, even though he was told not to. Cuphead finished his last class and started to walk to the main office. Cuphead had asked most of the students in his class about Bendy's appearance but no one knew. Cuphead talked the principal into letting him into the security room.

He searched through tapes for a good hour till he found where bendy was. 'eating outside, walking around.....' Cuphead thought before bendy and Napoleon get pulled into a rusty navy blue van and drive off. Cuphead stiffened and walked out. Cuphead didn't know where he was going, but he knew it involves bendy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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bendy x cuphead and Boris x mugmanWhere stories live. Discover now