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Bendy's Pov

After I threw cup out the window, as more of a punishment I locked him outside.

"Come on bends! You know I was joking around!" He said annoyed.

"You keep begging and you'll stay out there for another 30minutes dude. Just apologize and you'll get let in..." I explained for like the fourteenth time.

"I'm tired man!" He said annoyed and irritated. "Sleep outside!" I tease. "ok look, I'm sorry I kissed you on the forhead...". Well close enough "and..." I say waiting for a response.

"I'm a douche bag that smokes cigars backwards..." Cuphead says frustrated. "Much better my friend!" I say unlocking the door and letting him in.

Time skip cause I'm lazy af ;-;

Mugman Pov

Me and Boris finally finish another round of mortal combat and get ready to go to sleep.
"I'll sleep in the floor" Boris said getting an extra cover from his closet. "No, you can sleep on the bed. Plus it's better on the floor anyway!" I say generously.

"well, okay then...goodnight"

"Good night..."

43 minutes later

It was cold in the floor and I was basically shaking. I didn't want to bother Boris but that seems like the only option. I get up quickly and quietly as I walk slowly towards the average sized wolf. I poked Boris on his shoulder. -no response-. I poke Boris again but more frequently as the cold shameless air flew pass my exposed skin. Boris woke up almost immediately after I poked him as if I was seeing if he was alive, trying my hardest.

"-Yawn- you okay...you look like someone tried to murder you..." Boris said in a tired voice with a soft quiet giggle that followed after. "I'm c-cold BO-boris!" I say quickly as more harsh winds crash against my arm. "Come on...you big baby..." Boris sleepily teased lifting up the cover. I quickly got into bed with boris. It was so warm and cozy. Boris turned towards me and slowly went back to sleep. I felt his warm calming breath against my fore arm and face. I followed the rhythm of his breathing, slowly falling asleep.

Now to Cuphead and bendy!!!

Cuphead's Pov

I flop down on Bendy's bed when he comes back from checking on the two bffs in the other room. "What's up bends?" I say as I roll next to the freezing wall. "They are asleep so be quiet!" He whispered angrily as he flopped down beside me. "Hey cups...?"
Bendy says with worry in his voice. "Yeah".

(U know the deal: by=bendy c=cuphead)

By- "How are you so calm all the time? It's like you never give one little care about life..."

C- "well I deal with it at the end of the day but weed helps me too but like..."

Bendy scoffed playfully at his comment but then got serious.

By- "what do you meal by the end of the day? Why your so calm?"

C- "well bendy, it's not easy to explain. Unlike you, when I'm mad I contain it most of the time. If I want to cry or just let all out, I do it at night where everyone is sleep so they don't have to hear my silent crys or complains. But that makes the pain go away for some time, though it still hurts if you sweep it under the rug. That's why I think it helps but it doesn't heal. That's why I try to make friends so I can explain to them. It's not depression nor called being fake, it's how you realize you know why and what you did and understanding it. Understanding yourself, but it takes your other half or hole of you to understand the rest. Your lover..."

B- "How do you know if that's your other half?"

C- "you'll fall for them, just like anyone but they understand you, even if it's by the littlest ways..."

B- "well...thanks for telling me, I guess I should look out for them huh?"

Bendy's Pov

"well...thanks for telling me, I guess I should look out for them huh?" I say in pleasure and relief. I turn after I don't get a response. He was sleep. Guess he was tired? "Goodnight buddy I say rapping the cover around both of us. I laid down next to cups adjust myself so I was comfortable. After a few minutes or two he put his arms around my waist and scooted next to me. I was too tired to get up and complain. So I just laid their and slowly fell asleep.

Thxs for reading, so tired but it's worth it and what cuphead said is kinda true to me so please don't complain in the comments thanks again good night morning or idk?!

bendy x cuphead and Boris x mugmanWhere stories live. Discover now