Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Decisive Battle on the Bridge. Zabuza Returns!

Makoto was up before the others did and went to the forest and sit crisscross on the grass and meditate. Makoto was also at that same open area with flowers place and talking with Amaterasu.

"It sure has been a while since I have a decent conversation with you, child," Amaterasu said.

"It sure has, Amaterasu."

"So...that Uchiha boy..."

"What about Sasuke?"

 "Are you still in love with him?"

 Makoto's eye widens in surprise and blushed in embarrassment. "Why are you asking me that all of a sudden!?"

"I've seen the way you look at the boy when you were little and of today."

"As of right now, I don't have time for boys. I need to become stronger so that I can control the Curse Mark."

"So, you're going with this risky plan of yours?"

"It may be risky but this is the only way. If I don't learn how to use the Curse Mark then I'll never understand how it works and it will try to take control of me."

"Well, you got me to protect you, Makoto. I'll always be there for you no matter the situation."


"I was seal inside you for a reason and that reason is to protect you to the end and not let harm comes to you."

Makoto was touch by Amaterasu's words. "Amaterasu...I don't know what to say."

"Just tell me, do you still love Sasuke or not?"

"Why? Like I say to Sakura a few weeks ago, we're just childhood friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, what makes you...say...that?" Then Makoto remember the promise she and Sasuke made as a child. " I'm in love with Sasuke!"

"So you finally accept your feeling?"  Amaterasu asked.

"Oh hell no, I don't! I do not!"  Makoto quickly dismiss any feelings for her childhood friend.

"Makoto-" Amaterasu was cut off.

"We did not have this conversation, Amaterasu, we did not!"

"Why are you freaking out about this?"

"The way he act towards me yesterday...he...oh no." Makoto put her hands on her head. "This is not happening! I will not lose the bet! I will prevail!"

"He's coming."

"Eh? Who?"

"You know who."

Makoto, hands on hips. "Amaterasu, don't play game with me."

"Open your eyes and see for yourself."

"Okay, I will."

"Okay then."

Makoto close her eye and she was back to the forest in the Wave Country and she saw someone sitting in front of her. It was Haku in a pink kimono and his hair was down.

Makoto was, of course, startled. "Geez, don't do that! Almost give me a heart attack."

"Sorry, I didn't want to bother you."

"But why did you sit so close to me? That's creepy, man. I didn't know guys like you do that."

Haku laughed. "Guess I'm special."

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