s e v e n t y - f o u r

Start from the beginning


"I talked to my crush today"

"oh really? I'm happy for you. Tell me more about your crush. You never tell me before"

"she's nice. She's beautiful. Everything about her is beautiful. She a bit stupid, but that's make her more special and I like it"

"oh I see. It's look like your taste is woman who a but stupid. Okay I got it. I understand"

"are you saying that my taste is bad?"

"no, ofcourse not. How I would say that?"

"yes you better be. If you say my taste is bad then you're bad too"


"why you ask? Hm, I don't know. Maybe you can be that girl"

"you mean, your crush is someone like me?"


"you said THAT I'M STUPID?"

"you're the one who said it"

"you know what? Just forget it"

"so what are you doing right now?"

"talking to you?"


"laying on bed and do nothing?"

"what time now?"

"10.00 p.m.?"

"go to sleep"

"still early"

"just sleep Athanasia"

"fine. Sing to me"


"auw come on, sing for me"

"you love my voice do you?"

"yes I love it. So can you sing to me?"


"please? Pleaaaaseeee. The great student and gentlemen, Sir Lucas? Would you?"


"fine. I'll sing for you"

"yeay! Finally. You are really my grea--"

"can you shut up?"

"sorry can't help. You--"

"shut up or I'll kiss you"

"really? Through the phone? Haha I'm waiting for that"

"close your eyes then"


"you want a kiss right? Close your eyes"

"what are you--"


"fine, fine. My eyes is close now. So where my kiss?"





"you're the one who looking for it so stop laughing"


"stop athanasia argh. I'm not going to sing it for you"


"I'm hanging up"

"..."(lol athy dying from laughing)




"for the first time in my life, I feel so stupid"

Lol. I think this chapter is fccking mess. Hahahahaha so stupid lol. And sorry for my late reply. I forgot to update lol.

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