When Jeff, our limo driver opened the door, I seen Erik smiling at something on his phone. When he seen me he quickly put his phone on lock. Well thats odd I thought to myself.

I scrunched my face."Well you're not going to help me?" I said harshly. He rolled his eyes and gently grabbed my hand. As soon as Jeff closed the door, he let go of my hand and roughly grabbed my face.

"We're not going to have any of tonight! You hear me ?" He said sternly while forcing me to look at him.

I just stared at him not responding. "Huh?!" He said while squeezing my face harder. I quickly nodded.

"Good girl," He laughed. "You look beautiful by the way," he said and pecked my lips.

Erik let go of my face and I began to move my jaw. Why can't we have just one smooth night ? I sat back in my seat as silence fell upon us.

30 minutes later we arrived at the ball. I seen couples walking the red carpet getting their pictures taken. Couples that genuinely look happy and not faking for the public.

"When we get out there smile and wave," Erik told me before he got out the limo. I rolled my eyes as he helped me out.

Soon as we got out, I put on the best smile. Even though behind it all was hurt and pain.

"Christina! Erik!" We heard as we posed for pictures. Erik's hand held me by my waist as we walked over to an interviewer.

"Hello Christina and Erik how are you?" She asked.

"We're doing fine," I answered.

"So what do you guys think about this year's ball?"

"I think its going to be more successful than the ball last year. This ball was buzzing around Atlanta right after last year's ball."

The interviewer nodded,"Yes. I was excited when my boss told me I had to cover you guys event. Also what about this year's auction? I heard it's different from last year."

"Yes. Last year we auctioned off items while this year we're going to auction off women to go on dates and whatever pleasures the men may want from them," Erik said with a wink.

"Yes. So a lot of single men are here tonight," I said with a laugh.

"So hows the marriage life been treating yall?" She asked.

I looked up at Erik and smiled. "We're still going strong." I answered.

"Even after all those rumors?" She asked.

"Rumors?" I questioned looking confused.

"Thats enough questions. You have a nice night," Erik said while leading me away from her.

"What was she talking about?" I asked him.

He shook his head,"I don't know. That stupid ass bitch just wanted to start some." He said.

He lead me inside and thats when I was met with true amazement.

"Wow!" I said. Erik grabbed my hand. "This wouldn't of happened without you," he whispered in my ear.

"I can't take all the credit. I have to give some to Crystal and Dria." I told him while still looking around. People sat around talking to one another. People on the balcony watched everyone from above. Some couples were even dancing on the dance floor.

"Oh speaking of them. Im going to go find them," I gave him a peck on the cheek. I made my way through the crowd being stopped one too many times.

I had finally spotted them. But as soon as I made my way to them I was stopped.

"Hello beautiful," a deep voice spoke as their hand grabbed mine. I snatched my hand away and quickly turned around. My face softened when I noticed it was Derrick.

My eyes trailed along his body. He had a fresh haircut. His smile was bright like he was glad to see me. The suit outlined his muscles that I wanted to reach out and touch. He cleared his throat.

I looked up at him,"Hey! You scared me for a second," I spoke over the music.

"Yea I noticed," he chuckled. "But you do look beautiful," he said as he looked at my body.

I began to blush. "You didn't tell me you were coming," I said as I playfully pushed his shoulder.

He smiled,"Yea I wanted it to be a surprised." He told me in my ear.

My mouth went dry as I thought about my day dream. I giggled. "Well you surely did surprise me. You was about to get cursed out for grabbing me," I said seriously.

He started to laugh.

"Well who do we have here?" I heard my sister ask behind me. I turned around to see her and Dria. She wore a black dress with one shoulder. While Dria had on a yellow dress that hugged her body.

"Hey you guys!" I said while hugging both of them.

"You look beautiful sis," Crystal told me. I smiled and thanked them.

"Forget about looking beautiful! Look at that booty!" Dria said while smacking my butt. I gasped. I seen Derrick look at my butt and smirk.

"So who's he?" Crystal asked me while looking between me and Derrick.

"Well Derrick this is my sister Crystal and my best friend Andria. Dria and Crystal this is Derrick," I said to them.

"Mhm. This is the infamous Derrick," Dria said while shaking his hand. He looked over at me and raised his eyebrow.

"Well its a pleasure to meet you guys," he told them.

"You too," they said in unison. We stood around talking with one another. I was amazed that Derrick got along with Dria and Crystal so quickly. When they first met Erik, they had a hard time dealing with him. I suddenly felt someone glaring their eyes into my back. I looked around and met eyes with Erik. I froze in place.

"You okay?" Derrick asked with a hand on my back. I nodded not really paying attention. All I knew was things were going to hit the fan. Either here or at home.

What Lie in The ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now