Lesson Learned

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Erik's POV

I stared out my office window trying to let the view calm down my nerves. My legs were shaking form the anger that filled up my body. I took deep breaths trying to calm down my nerves, but it wouldn't happen.

Earlier, I spotted Christina out at lunch with some man. I sat there and watched them for a while making sure they didn't see me. I looked on as she smiled and laughed in his face like she wasn't even a married woman. I remember seeing her blush as words spilled out of his mouth. Just thinking of it made me even angrier.

"Fuck!" I yelled as threw a stack of papers off my desk. I knew it. I knew she was cheating on me. She just makes me so angry. From her not making dinner to catching her out with some man. But I knew just how to control her. My dad used to always say the men wear the pants in the relationship while the women stayed home and took care of the kids and house. She's even lucky that I let her work.

See when I was younger I used to have anger problems. I remember things such as my cousins gloating over winning a game made me angry. Or not being able to get my way with my parents. As I grew older, my parents figured out that I had anger problems. They signed me up for group meetings with people who were also like me and I even played football. Slowly the anger started to fade away.

But then, once I was in college it came back again. Once my father died, it felt like my heart ripped in half. Losing your best friend/father is one of the hardest things to deal with in life. That's why my mom suggested that I meet Christina. She thought that somehow she'll make me happier. Which she did. Well at least in the beginning of our relationship. But as we got into marriage, it all changed. She started to do things that'll piss me off. And the only way I figured I could take my anger out was to hit her. Do I love her? Yes. It's just so hard to stop once I get started. I really don't mean t-

"Mr. Lawson, you have a visitor up front,"my secretary said. I rubbed my forehead. "Okay. Send them in."

I looked at the papers on the floor and picked them up. My door opened and I looked up from organizing my papers. Immediately my face frowned up. I hurried to close the door.

"What are you doing here?" I harshly whispered. I was already having a bad day. I didn't need to add anything else to my problems.

A frown appeared on the brown face infront of me. "I thought I would come by and see you. Looks like you're having a bad day and I could fix that." I watched as the smooth hands locked the door.Just remembering the way those hands skimmed my body had my skin yearning for them to touch me.

I fell back in my chair as the hands hurridely unzipped my pants. "Let me make your day better for you," the voice whispered in my ear. I bit my lip as my anger was now found with a new surrogate:lust. It was like a match set fire to my body. I looked down at the person infront of me on their knees.

My body was now aroused as I felt those smooth hands find my member. My toes curled in my shoes as my member found its way into a warm place to be... into their mouth. My eyes found their brown ones as I tried to keep my groans low. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as it felt like I was on cloud nine. It feels so wrong, but yet so right.

Later on that night I sat on the bed waiting for Christina. Even though I just received some amazing head at the office, I didn't let what I saw earlier in the day slip my mind. I clenched my hands imagining myself squeeze her neck. I smirked to myself.

I looked at the time. 10:00 the clock read. "Where the fuck she at?!" I spoke to myself. She left the house after the kids went to school and that was at 8:30. She usually is home by 7:30.

"I bet she's with that man," I thought to mysellf. That thought alone made me wanted to smack her. I got up and started to pace the room. "I swear if she's with him," I said to myself. I heard her car pulled up and I raced to the window. I saw her getting out and I sat on the bed pretending that I was calm. But I know that as soon as she step foot in here that I was going to be the opposite of that.

I heard the front door close and prepared for her to walk through the door. I breathed in and out trying to stop my anger to get out of control. After 10 minutes went by I figured she was either in the kitchen eating or checking on the kids.

A couple of seconds the door opened. "Hey babe," She spoke. She walked over to me and kissed me on my lips. I shoved her back slightly. She looked at me weirdly but kept it moving.

"Today was a long day today," She spoke from the bathroom." We had a couple of teens from the cinnamon challenge, a little boy broke his arm, and a man got stabbed by his girlfriend once she found out he was cheating. It was just hectic!" she said.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't feel like hearing any of that. "Who is he?" I asked. She paused and I knew I got her.

She came out the bathroom. "Uh babe what are you talking bout?"She asked.

I stood up and walked over to her. I looked down at her as my frame towered over her tiny one. "Don't act stupid," I said through clenched teeth. I took a few steps forward as she began to step back. She didn't have anywhere to go for she was in between me and the wall.

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking bout," her voice quivered. I began to get frustrated with her as she sat in my face and lied. "So you didn't have lunch with a man at Chili's today that's what you're telling me?" I asked her.

Her face changed as realization hit her. "That was ju-" before she could finish her sentence I lifted my hand up. Soon as she saw it she sprinted towards the bathroom, but I was quicker than her. I pulled her by her hair causing her to jerk on the floor. I grabbed her by her neck and threw her across the room. She landed on the floor like a rag doll.

She looked up at me with fear. "Please! I could explain,"she tried to plead. But I wasn't hearing it.

"You want step out on me huh,"I said as I kicked her in the stomach. Her body doubled over and tears fell down her face. I kicked her again,"You think you slick?!"

"No please stop!"She cried out. Good thing when we built this house I made sure that our walls were soundproof. "Why cause you pregnant with that nigga baby?!" I screamed at her.

I then began to see red as my hands flew left and right onto her body. I heard a couple of things crack but that encouraged me to continue. Her loud cries soon turned into soft whimpers.

I stood up and looked down at her. "Look what you made me did!" I screamed at her. She had handprints around her neck, blood leaked from her nose down onto her lip, and a purple ring began to form under her eye.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead. "Please. Don't hit me,"I heard her whisper. I shook my head. "That'll teach you,"I said to her. I grabbed my keys and phone and headed out the door.

Even though that just happened I still was angry. I needed some to release this extra anger on.

Me: Im comin over

Love<3: Ok...I'll have the door unlocked.

I hoped she learned her lesson.


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Christina and Erik on the side

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