Sweet Sweet Fantasy

136 15 17

Christina's POV

Today was just another day at work. It has been kind of slow today since it was a Tuesday. I am glad for that though.

I sat down at the Nurse's station with Mia just talking.

"Yea, we're having a ball next month. You should come," I told her while playing Candy Crush on my phone. This game is so addicting! No matter how many times I get mad at it, I always end up playing it.

Her eyes lit up,"Yes ! I haven't been to one yet. I always hear the people in the city talking bout it but never got a chance to go." She said.

"Well," I said while digging through my purse," here's two free tickets. Sin-" before I got a chance to finish my sentence she hugged her arms tight around me.

"Thank you sooo much," Mia said while swinging me side to side.

I pulled away from her chuckling lightly. "You're welcome. I didn't know my event was such a big deal." I told her truthfully.

She stared at the tickets in awe. " Well believe it girl. Its one of the hottest things in Atlanta."

Before we could finish our conversation my pager began to beep. It read to report to Derrick's office.

"Ooohhh, seems like your man wants to spend some time with you," Mia teased while wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I shook my head and went to his office to see what he wanted. I knocked on the door lightly and heard a 'Come in.'

I walked in and closed the door. "Hey. You wanted to see me?" I asked him.

He motioned for me to sit down.

"Yea I just wanted to talk to you," he said while throwing me a smile.

I looked down and blushed slightly. Gosh he's so handsome. "So what did you want to talk about?"

He stared at me which only caused me to become nervous. My palms began to sweat and my heart began to beat like a drum.

He sighed and came from around his desk. He began to pace the floor as he held his hands to his head.

"Derrick wassup?! You're scaring me," I said as I gulped nervously. As I watched him pace the floor I became anxious. I shifted in my seat trying to get comfortable but that was impossible.

Suddenly he stopped. "I don't know how to say this Christina....but," he sighed and stopped.

"Can you just say it already," I pressured him.

"I know we've only known each other for two months, but Im really feeling you." He spilled out.

"What?!" I said as I quickly shot up. One side of me was happy while the other side of me reminded me that Im still married. I began to shake my head no. "Im a married woman Derrick! Im sorry if I've been leading you Im really am. I thought we both thought of each other as friends," I began to ramble on when all of a sudden he kissed me.

I tensed up immediately because this is basically cheating.

"Relax," he whispered against my lips. He kissed me deeply and soon I followed his flow. His lips were so soft and I knew if we didn't stop we would be having sex soon.

I broke us apart," We shouldn't do this," I said out of breath.

He took the opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. I softly moaned into his mouth. Heat began to travel to my core.

His hands traveled to my butt and gave it a light squeeze. My hands held on tight onto his muscles as if I was going to lose him.

In my mind I knew this was so wrong, but it felt so right. I felt his hands travel under my shirt which were cold. Goosebumps masked my stomach and back. He lift my shirt up and threw it across his office.

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