Side Chapter:The hole

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3rd person JNPR dorm room

Y/N can be seen making some blue liquid in his coffee cup in his shared dorm with team JNPR before Pyrrha walked in to the room

Pyrrha:"Y/N have you seen my copy of the greatest movie of all time?"

Y/N looked up to her and replied

Y/N:"17 again?"


Y/N:"Pretty sure it fell in the hole"

Pyrrha:"What hole"turns to look at the hole"OH MY OUM"

The screen does a dramatic close up to the hole then the screen turned back to Pyrrha and Y/N

Pyrrha"What is that?"

Y/N:"It's a hole"

Pyrrha:"Yes I can see that but what's it doing there"

Y/N:"Well I woke up this morning"takes a sip of his drink"then there was a hole"

Pyrrha:"Well what are we going to do about it?"

Y/N:"I put a rug over it"dramatic close up to the hole"Yeah it fell in the hole"

Pyrrha:"Should we tell Ozpin or something?"

Y/N:"Yeah I told Ozpin he send some guys down here"

Pyrrha:"Well where are they?"

Y/N:"There in the hole"

Dramatic close up to the hole the screen go back to Pyrrha who looks around the room

Pyrrha:"Where is Nora at?"Y/N eyes get a darker ring around them"Y/N where is she?"

Y/N:"She's at work"

Pyrrha:"Oh good...wait where does she work?"

Y/N:"In the hole"

Dramatic close up to the hole

Pyrrha:" deep even is this thing"

She looks at Y/N who took a sip from his mug graped the mug and throw it down the hole

Y/N:"That was my favorite it's in the hole"

Dramatic close up to the hole

Pyrrha:"Y/N do you even know what this is for all we know it can be a interdimensional wormhole or a gate way to hell or....Y/N....Y/N"turns to the hole"YYYY/NNNN"

Y/N:"Hey what's up I got a snack"

Y/N then put the apple in to his eye socket where a crunch is herd

Pyrrha:"Y/N can you please take this seriously"

Then a bunch of monsters crawled out of the hole and while Pyrrha started to scream Y/N just pulled out a gun and started to shoot the monster then he shoot one again for no reason


Y/N:"Hole person"

Pyrrha:"Where did it come from"looks at Y/N"Right the hole yeah....why are you being so clam about this"

Y/N:"I'm more worried about the space octopus"

Pyrrha:"What space octopus"

Then the screen turned to the hole where a gaint octopus crawled out of making Pyrrha screen and run out of the room with the octopus following her

Y/N:"That one"looks at Pyrrha bed to see her movie"oh there it is"

Then Y/N turned to the hole and throw the movie in to the hole
Hi how's y'all day doing my day been pretty alright i just watched my two cousins fight each other with glass while drunk

Bye and take this with you

Bye and take this with you

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