Chapter 3

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          3rd person beacon hallway

After Knocking on the door it opened to reveal the same orange haired girl from Initiation

Y/N:(Ozpin I swear if this is what I think it is)

Nora:"Oh your the guy from Initiation so what are you doing here"

Y/N:"........."gives her a note he got from Ozpin

Nora:"So that's why there's a extra bed well come on in"

Nora step aside letting Y/N in to there dorm where the rest of team JNPR are currently getting settled in to there home for the next 4 years then they noticed you enter the room

Jaune"What's he doing here?"Nora hands him the note"Oh so your going to be living with us"

Y/N"....."Nods his head

Jaune"Well Umm welcome OH before I forget we might as well introduce are self's I'm Jaune short sweet rolls of the tongue lady's love it"

Y/N"(Do they though?)"

Pyrrha:"Hello~I'm Pyrrha"

Ren:"I'm Ren"

Nora:"And I'm Nora"

Y/N"...."Nods his head

Jaune"Your not going to say your name?"

Y/N pulls note book from his cloak flips through a couple pages and shows them his name

Pyrrha"Welcome Y/N now I say we all go to sleep tomorrow is the beginning of our new lives"

As she say that everyone goes to there bed you just sat in the middle of yours  and looked down slightly

                  Time skip to morning

It was barely 8:30 and you were up before team JNPR dressed in you normal clothes and we're out the door  heading to you first class and as you enter you saw only one person there and guessing who it was you guesses Professor Port not being noticed by him you choose a place to sit and stared writing in you journal

       Time skip to beginning of class

As class was about to start both team RWBY and JNPR came bursting through the doors before they sat down JNPR next to you and RWBY in front of you after a very interesting lecture that you totally listen to you were writing in your journal till

Port:"Mr Y/N you haven't been paying attention the entire calls so Miss Schnee please let Y/N try his luck now go get prepared Mr Y/N"

You just walk down and as soon you took a step on the stage the cage burst open to reveal

You just walk down and as soon you took a step on the stage the cage burst open to reveal

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Y/N:(This going to be a breeze)

As the thing charged at you just pulled out Nail and held right in front of you the point at him the thing end up running in to to sword killing it self and you just watched the yellow lights in it's eyes fade away

Port:"W-Well it seems I misjudged"

That's when the bell ringed you pushed the thing off your sword and walked off to your next class

            Time skip to Glynda class
Now your just watching Jaune getting his demolished by Cardin you couldn't help but sigh how did he make it this far with dieing you wonder

Glynda:"As you see class Jaune aura is in the red meaning he is out of the match"

As Glynda continue explaining what happened you were writing in your journal once again waiting till classed end

Glynda:"Y/N I asked you to come down here"

Snapping back to reality you went inside the arena stood next to Glynda

Glynda:"Now who wants to fight with Mr Y/N"

Nobody raised there hand expect one person

Pyrrha Nikos

Glynda:"Now then both of you get ready"

Pyrrha:"Hey Y/N do you believe in destiny?"

Y/N:"(I don't cause not even destiny can hold me back"You stayed quiet but shook your head no


You dashed to Pyrrha knocking her back she recoved on switch he spear to it's fun mode and stared firing at you side step while dashing then dashed at her again trying to get some hits in but she counter with her shield then shield bashed you to the edge of the arena you stood at the edge think of a plan

Y/N:"(Let's see you doged this)

Y/N shot a spirit blast at her and and dashed in above her she held her shield up and you stared keep you self up in the air while she still didn't notice till the last second the spirit blast hit her knocking her to the ground and making her lose her shield Y/N took the chance and began a onslaught of strikes and at the end he kicked Pyrrha back and shot a soul blast at her breaking her aura and knocking her out the arena

Glynda:"And the winner is Y/N"

After that the bell rang and kids stared leaving while you stayed and offered a hand to Pyrrha

Pyrrha:"Hmm thank you"She grabbed your hand got back up

You just gave her a thumbs up and left to continue on with your day till you stoped and looked at Pyrrha she just stood there and you did something she never expected

Y/N:"Well you coming"you spoke

Pyrrha stood there you just shrugged and left and heard footsteps behind you

Finally got this done sorry for not updating I had a really weird couple of weeks but hay now I'm back so be prepared

But till next time

But till next time

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Yare Yare Daze

RWBY x male Hollow Knight male readerWhere stories live. Discover now