Chapter 4(Short Chapter)

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Darkness that's all that can be seen

Soon a endless amount of cracked and broken helmets fill the ground below

Then a stair way up to a door where light can be seen

Then Y/N can be seen falling from the stairs and when he hits the ground the door way close cutting out the light
Jaune:"Y/N wake up man"

Y/N lifts his head and stares at Jaune

Jaune:"You alright you dropped your book and almost fell out your chair"

Y/N looked at the ground and saw his journal on the ground he picked it up wrote something in it and showed Jaune

Y/N:I'm fine just tried

Jaune:"Alright you should go back to our room and get some rest I'll make a excuse for you"

And with that Jaune walked away once he was far enough Y/N opened his journal to the page he was working on and saw a map of a place he knows all to well

Y/N:(Guess I'm going home)
I know chapter is short I'll get a another chapter out by the end of this week school just sucks

But till then

But till then

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