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----- act two, DANGEROUS TRUTHS
Chapter 13. Exposed

9:31 A.M.

ASTRID'S LIPS CURLED backwards into a snarl, revealing her sharp snow-white teeth.

"I'm going to kill that damn cousin of yours, Jacob," she growled as she took off and bounded down the stairs.

He trailed after her in bewilderment. He didn't know which cousin she meant, nor why she wanted to kill one. Not that he cared. He hated his cousins.

The two shoved past Detective Elliot who was trying to get them to go outside, failing to stop Astrid on the warpath.

Her eyes turned back into a blazing shade of green as she stormed into the room. "I'm going to skin you alive and hang you up by your intestines, Drysdale!" She yelled at Ransom, stopping only when Jacob grabbed her wrist.

"Astrid! Where have you-" Marta was cut off by Astrid's sudden animalistic snarl.

"You're a dead man once I get my hands on you, Ransom," she snapped.

Astrid struggles against Jacob's grip. She could have easily gotten out, but she didn't want to hurt him.

"Jacob, let go of me. I don't want to hurt you." Sensing the barely-there restraint in her voice, he reluctantly let Alethea go.


"Ms. Cabrera, please calm down. What are you talking about?" Detective Blanc asked, carefully schooling his expression.

"That bastard went through my room and stole something of mine!" She yelled, her voice steadily increasing in pitch, becoming more and more hysterical.

"I didn't take anything of yours," he denied.

"Oh yes you did." Astrid laughed, the action fully humorless and so full of hate and venom that it made others flinch. "Which bitch told you huh?" She demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he still denied, moving away from her.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" She screamed, the room going silent.

Astrid got in his face, grabbing him by his collar. "Who do you even think you are? Why did you kill him?" She seethed angrily.

Suddenly, his fearful face switched to a smug, smirking one. "Maybe I did switch Harlan's medications. I'm the one who took the Naloxone. I killed Fran because she knew what I did. I saw the toxicology report and knew Marta had switched them back. So, I came up with a plan to frame Marta for Fran's death to still get my fair share. I covered my tracks by burning down the lab to erase the evidence. As for your things, I'm not telling you a damn thing," he sneered.

Marta's hands flew to her mouth as her eyes teared up. Harlan's death was indeed a suicide- she was innocent.

Astrid smirks, knowing full and well he was going to regret messing with her. "I'm assuming you got that?" She says offhandedly to Detective Elliot, never looking away from Ransom.

He pulls out the recorder, showing he had recorded the whole confession. "Hugh Ransom Drysdale, you're under arrest-" the man was cut off.

Before anyone can react, Ransom pulls out a knife from his coat and lunges at Astrid. Jacob and Marta scream as the detectives go for their guns.

Astrid's smirk drops. She grits her teeth in annoyance and stares at the knife lodged in her ribs, Ransom slowly letting go of it. She pulls it out with a sickening crack and throws it aside.

Astrid stares at the gushing wound and cracks her neck. She glared murderously at Ransom when she caught scent of the White Oak Ashes that coated the knife.

"You're dead," she said simply before grabbing him roughly by his neck and dragging him outside. "You will forget about my compelling and the existence of the supernatural," she hissed compellingly in his ear, not forgetting to in case he tried something.

Astrid didn't use enough force to snap his neck, but her sharp nails cut into his skin, drawing blood. She gritted her teeth to refrain from killing him on the spot.

She kicked him down the outside stairs into the dirt, the family gaped in disbelief at the action. She, a small 18-year-old girl, kicked a grown man to the ground like he was a rag doll.

Jacob stood to the side of the front door, still in shock from his cousin's confession and slightly shaken up over the events.

Astrid's eyes skimmed over the group, stopping at Linda, staunching the blood flow of her wound with her hand. "You can thank your son for the murder of your father," she spat.

The whole family gasped in disbelief as Ransom scrambled up. "He tried framing Marta for it and he killed Fran after that failed." She stopped to let that sink in.

Despite hating Meg, she did feel for
her. The girl was in tears, only standing because of her mother holding her up. Sirens blared in the distance, getting closer.

Not a word was spoken as Astrid exposed Ransom. "He switched Harlan's medications, intending for Marta to give him a 100 milligrams of morphine instead, and took the antidote. However, he didn't take into account that Marta had been doing this for a long time and switched them back, giving him the proper dosage. His death was indeed a suicide, but Fran saw Ransom messing with the medicines and tried to blackmail him. He killed her to make sure no one would know."

Astrid takes a deep breath, suddenly feeling light-headed as she leaned against the column. It was then the adults had taken notice of the blood seeping from underneath her jacket.

She took a deep breath and winced when Jacob put her arm around his shoulder to keep her steady. Jacob turned fearful when he realized the wound wasn't healing like she said it would.

"Fuck," she cursed quietly, locking eyes with him. Police cars pulled into the driveway, officers flooding out.

Jacob's eyes turned to Ransom who was being handcuffed by a state trooper, staring furiously at him. "He stabbed Astrid. You can add another attempted murder to the charge list as well," he spat as Ransom was shoved roughly into the back of the cop car.

Marta stood off to the side, scared for her sister's life. She didn't understand what was happening.

Astrid slumped against Jacob as she felt the fever kick in. "My dad's so gonna kill me," she smiled wearily before passing out.


Thank you so much
for the 3K reads!!! ❤️
Y'all are gonna be so pissed
though. Just keep reading! I
swear I have a good reason.

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