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Ola sat there, biting into his fingernails with his legs crossed into each other. He was beneath the stage, which held up some of his classmates—

—they were rehearsing some school play to present during the annual christmas party. He sat there, with a book in his thighs as he looked at Obi. He was on his phone, his left knuckle holding up the side of his face. He was in the usual school uniform but with his Adeline jacket.

Of course no one could say anything, because he was a prefect as well. Not that he even did much, but Obi was the class captain of Arts.

"What are you reading?" Obi asked, peering into the book in his hands. "For a test" He shrugged.

"Damn" He replied, as hark the heralds angels sing, played behind them. Even though it was just the start of November. It was the first, and Obi hadn't even see Abdul ever since the Friday night.

"Why are we doing so soon?" Ola nagged, but not too much. He was in the middle of it because as much as he was happy that the rehearsals meant free periods, he also hated anything drama or play.

Any presentation, and Hillway High loved those.

Be it a Christmas drama or an Easter sing along, even the Valedictory service at the end of each session, they were all made up the same elements.

"Take ten" Bade said from across the stage. She was something of a leader. And at that statement, Ola took it as his queue to stand up. He'd heard enough off-keys to last a lifetime. Obi followed.

"I don't blame them really. From halloween, everything's a downslide. Soon it would be November and then thanksgiving and Christmas and then we'd be shouting happy new year" There was a sheepish smile across his face.

"It's why i like the Ember months" His hands reached for the handle of the door before someone pushed it open from the other side. It wasn't a hard guess, it was the same people that seemed to be everywhere when they were not training.

Ayo, and the team.

Asides their muscled steroid-enhanced bod, another thing that made them all seem alike were their egos. And frankly speaking, the mustaches.

"They got to lose them" Obi whispered, stepping aside. It was an inside joke between him and Ola.

But in a world were body hair was the primal sign of masculinity, the chances of them ever shaving the awkward mustache were less than zero. Non arguably, the only person he thought it suited however was Abdul Faruq. And his mind dashed to the night of the Fest, when he ran from him.

It was stupid, now that he thought of it. But then, who could blame him? He didn't have anything to say. Perhaps if he had started off that conversation, he'd have some sense of control. But when Abdul pieced it together himself, he realized he didn't plan for that outcome. So he froze, and went down the ferris wheel with him by his side.

When it stopped however and the belts unhooked from him, he didn't look back at the call of his name. "Obi" Abdul called. He didn't look back.

He just ran, ran till he reached Fiyin's arms. And that was how that day ended, with three of them in messes. Luckily they had the whole weekend to clean up, and for some, sober up. And Mary and Akin were too busy to notice Ola was even drunk.

Back to the present, Ola shared an intense stare with Ayo as he walked past. His toes clenched the sole of his feet in anger. "Son of a bitch" He cussed. "You think he's still mad about the fight?" Obi asked, noticing who he had referred to.

"Of course he is" Ola gritted through his teeth, remembering his own share of incidents that night. "The bastard made me think ghosts were after me. And he fucking threw a snake on me"

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