Your favorite quote they say

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this was requested by Marvelettez who just happened to reach 100 followers🥺🤍congrats love
also, this is the 100th chapter 🥺🤍

Steve Rogers
"I can do this all day"

Tony Stark
"That man is playing Galaga! He thought we wouldn't notice, but we did."

Bruce Banner
"Puny god"

Clint Barton
"I see better from a distance"

Natasha Romanoff
""Hey, big guy. Sun's getting real low."

Thor Odinson
"Hey, hey! We know each other! He's a friend from work!"

Peter Parker
"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!"

Bucky Barnes
"Hey. Pick on someone your own size."

Loki Odinson
"Your savior is here!"

Peter Quill
"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know how this machine works."

Wade Wilson
"Okay. People are dead."

T'Challa Udaku
"Evacuate the City. Engage all defenses, And get this man a shield."

Stephen Strange
"Dormammu, I've come to bargain."

Scott Lang and Hope Van Dye
"Ant-Man and the Wasp teaming up!"
"That's how you punch."

Carol Danvers
"Hi, Peter Parker. You got something for me?"

Eddie Brock
"We...are Venom."

Wanda Maximoff
"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?"

Pietro Maximoff
"You didn't see that coming?"

"I am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy."

(Young) Charles Xavier
"How's that for a magic trick?"

Scott Summers
"Is that an animal?"

Logan Howlett
"Nature Made Me A Freak. Man Made Me A Weapon. And God Made It Last Too Long."

Peter Maximoff
"Mine too. I mean, I still live in my mom's basement, but pfft. Everything else is, uh... well, it's pretty much the same. I'm a total loser."

Raven Darkhölme
"I am your only friend."

"Many apologies, your majesty."

Sam Wilson
"Way to go, tic-tac!"

Nick Fury
"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut."

Phil Coulson
"It's a vintage set. It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint. Slight foxing around the edges, but..."

Maria Hill
"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain."

Jessica Jones
"In my line of work, you gotta know when to walk away. But some cases just won't let you go."

Luke Cage
"Pops always said, if you don't feel good going to work, you should find new work."

Danny Rand
"I've been training my whole life for this. This is the one thing I know I can do better than anyone else. I am the only one who can defeat them."

Matt Murdock
"Thing about red, they can't tell how much you're bleeding."

Frank Castle
"I need to take care of the scum that killed my family."

Reed Richards and Susan Storm
"I'm trying to figure out why we each ended up with different symptoms."
"He didn't."

Johnny Storm
"What he means is, every team needs a mascot."

Ben Grimm
"Could've been worse"

Quentin Beck
"You don't want any part of this."

(Young) Erik Lehnsherr
"Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster... and I'm looking for my creator"

Hela Odinsdottir
"What were you the God of again?"

Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson
"I run away from everything. Whenever anything goes wrong - or right - I hightail it out of town."
"I miss you so much, Billy. I'm trying to be like you. But I— I'm failing. And I'm flailing ... and I'm cursed."

Johnny Blaze
"Back to Hell"

a/n: so, for the couples like Scott and hope, Scott's is first and hopes is under. it's like that for all the couples. whoever's names is first on the description title thing is WHOS quote is first

i hope that's not confusing. if it is i'll fix it:)

hope you guys enjoyed it and happy 100th chapter 🎉🎊

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