Chapter 18 - A Duel with the Dark Lord

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Sydney's POV:

Harry was standing in front of a large, ancient, ornate mirror with clawed feet and a golden frame. Next to him stood Professor Quirrell, his large purple turban slightly lopsided on his head. Neither of them had noticed me yet: both were focused on the mirror.

Squinting my eyes slightly, I saw Harry's shoulders tense as it suddenly seemed as though a weight had dropped into his pocket. I realized that this would have been Dumbledore's protection - some crap about only the pure of heart could access the stone, which Harry clearly now had.

"Hey, mind if I join the party?" I asked casually, flicking my wrist and feeling my wand slide into my hand from its holster.

Quirrell and Harry whirled around - Quirrell had a furious look on his face as he raised his wand, and I saw relief in Harry's eyes.

I ducked Quirrell's incoming spell, casting in quick succession: "Expelliarmus, Stupefy, Immobulus!" 

Quirrell dodged the first two but was hit with the third jet of light. Harry pulled away from the mirror and ran towards me. I pushed him behind me, keeping my wand lifted and pointed towards Quirrell.

"Get out of here," I instructed firmly. "Professor McGonagall should be on her way down here. Give her the Stone and tell her where to find me."

"But what about you?" Harry protested.

I pulled Harry to the floor as Quirrell freed himself from the Immobulus and sent a spell careening over our heads. 

"Protego!" I shouted, standing up as another spell flew towards us, before being stopped by my blue shield. "I can take care of myself Harry, now go and protect that bloody Stone!"

Harry nodded, and I heard his running footsteps disappear behind me as I poured my power into my shield, which was under assault by Quirrell. Sweat poured down my forehead. Finally, I heard the door slam, and knew that Harry had gotten to relative safety. 

I dropped the shield and jumped out of the way as a jet of red light spun past me, but made the mistake of stepping into another spell, and I felt my wand fly out of my hand, clattering on the ground somewhere near Quirrell.

Not for the first time, I was especially grateful for my wand holster. I had purchased a special upgrade that meant that my wand would automatically return to my holster in one minute if I were ever to be disarmed. Now, I just had to survive until then.

I sidestepped another jet of light, and thrust out my hand. Flames had been flickering along the edge of the room since I had entered, and I used these to my advantage, controlling them and sending a jet of fire towards Quirrell, setting his cloak alight.

Clearly not expecting the wandless attack, Quirrell had a look of panic on his face as he cast a quick "Aguamenti" towards his robes. I thrust my other hand towards the jet of water, which turned immediately into ice and fell to the floor, causing Quirrell to slip and nearly lose his balance. His cloak was out, but he was distracted enough to allow me to send a jet of wind directly into his chest, knocking him into the mirror, causing the mirror to tip over as Quirrell fell.

I felt my wand return to my holster, and I flicked my wrist again, the wand shooting into my hand. A high, cold voice came from behind Quirrell - "give me control, you fool!" 

Quirrell got up, his movements suddenly completely smooth. His eyes had gone completely black.

"Well, I certainly know a Dadzie when I see one," came the high, cold voice from Quirrell's mouth. "You have an impressive amount of control for one so young. You could help me."

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