Day 14

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Lisa and I spent the fourteenth day together simply making love. Honestly, I feel so contented and satisfied right now that I couldn't ask for more anymore. I giggled at the thought of my plan. Later on, I will be preparing a dinner for the both of us. I will tell her everything and how I also feel.

I feel nervous. My heart is thumping wildly, probably because of my plan. I am worried Lisa will reject me. But she won't right?

What if she rejected me?

Aish, Irene! Get your head together! You can't be thinking about bad stuffs right now. Today is a very special day so I am only allowed to smile for today.

Lisa is out for the whole afternoon. She told me she has stuffs to do so I took this chance to prepare for the dinner I was thinking. I set the table up. White cloth, candle in the middle, two plates for the both of us. I then began to cook and by the time I was done, it's already 7:30 in the evening. I hurriedly prepare the food on the table, scattered rose petals on the floor and then changed mg attire into a white simple dress that fits me perfectly..

Lisa gave this to me on my birthday and this is one of my most favorite dress ever since then. I smiled to myself at the thought of Lisa. Few more minutes and it will be 8 already but she is still not here. I sat down the couch while clutching the cloth that I will jse to blindfold Lisa later on.

I sighed heavily to try and ease my nerves. I am feeling extremely nervous for so many reasons. But I tried to remain positive.

All will be well, it will be alright.

I repeatedly chanted in my mind. Without even noticing it, the clock states that it is already 9. An hour have passed but Lisa is still not here.

I blew air out as I fix my hair, drumming my fingers on my thigh. She's still coming.

I know she will come..

But why isn't she coming?

No, no. She will come. Lisa won't leave me without saying any proper goodbye. I swallowed my saliva and soon enough, I heard the keys jiggle. I rushed to the door and opened it, throwing my arms onto Lisa as soon as I saw her. She was stunned for a moment before she wrapped her arms around me as well.

"Okay.. I supposed you missed me so much that's why you're like this" I giggled and nodded as I try not to let myself cry. I can't cry, it will ruin the night.

"I did. I missed you alot." I uttered. I thought you're not coming home anymore, I wanted to add but stopped myself from doing so. I pulled Lisa inside and excitedly wrapped the cloth around her eyes, covering it. "Anyway! I have a surprise for you.."

"Hmm.. what is it?" She smiled lightly as I began to lead her carefully towards the balcony where our dinner date will take place. I then pulled the cloth slowly and presented her the table with the things, smiling widely at her.

"Susprise! Happy Anniversary, Lisa" She looks taken aback and for a moment I saw her eyes changed.. into something I do not know and can't explain, but it quickly faltered and soon she smiled.

"Wow.. I.."

"Come take a seat! I cooked all your favorites~" I smirked proudly, pulling Lisa down to sit on the chair across me.

We ate in silence while I simply stared at the woman before me. I can't actually believe that I was willing to let her go before for someone else. I will never make the same mistake as I did. I will prove Lisa I can change and thag she is all that matters.

I placed my hand ontop of hers as soon as she's done eating before standing up to settle beside her, whispering on her ear. "Close your eyes, I have a gift"

Fourteen DaysWhere stories live. Discover now