Bully Part 2

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He grabs you and kisses you, at first you kiss back but then push him away. 

"Why did you do that?" you ask looking down at the ground. 

"You smashed my bottle!" he says madly. 

"SO? That doesn't mean kiss me." you turn around to finish walking home. 

Bill runs after you. 

"Wait wait Y/N.." he says lightly grabbing your arm. 

"What?" you ask frustrated. 

"I'm sorry that I kissed you" he says getting quieter. 

"Wow an actual apology" you say putting your hands to your heart, "I'm touched." you say sarcastically. 

"Okay well what about you?" Bill says.

"What about me?" you ask confused.

"You kissed back" he says smirking. 

"I did not." you say and your face starts to heat up with embarrassment. 

"Okay" he sounds very sarcastic.

"Okay fine, so what if I did? I'm not sorry. I kiss boys aaaaall the time since I'm such a sl*t according to you." 

He rolls his eyes, "I said you looked like one." he says in a matter of a fact way. 

"Okay. You're an ass, goodbye." you say walking more but he runs in front of you, blocking your way. 

"Wait Y/N, I'm sorry for saying that. You don't look like one, I just had to find a reason to pick on you" Bill says looking around nervously. 

"Why? You could pick on anyone else, why me?" you ask crossing your arms between your chest. 

"You know the saying that when a guy's mean to you, that it means he likes you? Well that applies to the situation here..." he says finally making eye contact. 

"Calling a girl slutty is no way to get her attention." 

"I know, I'm sorry. Let me be a gentleman and take you out, like on a date." he says stepping closer to you. 

"You gonna pay for me?" you ask and he nods. 

"Will you be nice to me at school?" He nods, "I'll be more than just nice if the date goes well." 

You smile, "Okay, fine. We leave now" you say taking him by surprise.  

"Okay, shall we go?" he asks and you nod.

"I swear, you are incredibly unpredictable" you say and he just shrugs.

"I know" he says kissing your cheek. 

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