A Christmas Story

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Not sure who made this amazing gif but credit to them!

The morning was frosty, and windy. As you look out the window to see the beautiful snow fall, you smile to yourself and realize that the cold weather was worth it for a view like this.

"Bill, come here." you say to your boyfriend.

He was busy making mint hot chocolate in the kitchen.

"One second, Y/N." he says.

Soon he brings you a cup of hot coco. He kisses your cheek and you both look out the window.

You look at Bill and can't help but let out a giggle. 

He was wearing a green sweater that said "naughty" in bright bold red letters.

"It's so beautiful" you say taking a sip of your hot coco.

"I don't know Y/N, look at you." Bill says, caressing your cheek with his thumb and you smile at him.

"Okay! I wanna open my presents now." 

You run over to your guys' Christmas tree.

Bill got you exactly three presents and you had given yours to him yesterday because he kept bothering you and couldn't wait a day to open them.

Bill hands you the first gift. You open it, excitedly ripping the wrapping paper, inside was perfume, makeup, and nail polish. You put the gift down and hug him tightly.

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome, baby." he says then kisses your forehead.

You open the second present, it was a big soft blanket with a selfie of you and Bill printed on it. Your eyes start to get teary eyed, "Oh my goodness I love it, and I love you, so much." you say kissing him passionately, starting to get deeper in the kiss but he chuckles and lightly pushes you away.

"One last gift, baby, then we can do whatever.." he says with a cheeky smile.

"It's Christmas, we're gonna pray after this."

"Someone will definitely be down on their knees."

Your eyes widen, "I'm sorry?" you question with surprise.

"Apology excepted."


Bill cuts you off, "Open your gift, Y/N." he says impatiently.

The last gift was in a tiny box and you figure it was most likely gonna be jewelry.

You open up the small box and there was a wedding ring, you look at Bill who was now down on one knee.

"Y/N, Y/L/N, over these past 5 years I've never loved anyone as much as I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I wanna be the old couple who tells kids to get off our lawn and shit. I wanna be forever. So, Y/N will you marry me?" Bill asks biting his lip.

"Yes, of course." you say choked up and start to kiss him deeply. Bill starts to get teary eyed as he hugs you tightly.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be Y/N Skarsgård." you say in awe as you put the ring on.

"The ring is so beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it."

"I love it, baby."

"Wait a minute, is this what you meant by someone was gonna be down on their knees?"

"Oh uh, sure.." he says followed with a wink.


"Oh shut up." he says pulling you in by your waist then kisses you deeply.

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