-« II »-

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[ Song Soo Jin's POV ]

After that day, I would often find myself looking for that guy who gave me his freebie.

I must admit, I kinda would like to know who he was.

We are now at the 2nd week of classes and I still couldn't find ways to see that guy again.

After I met that guy, I started feeling better at school even though Eun Kyung became distant after that incident.

I felt bad because I thought what I did made her feel better.

As I sat alone at Lunch, a girl approached me.

It was the girl who gave me my ID on our first day.

"Song Soo jin, right?" She greeted.

I nodded and smiled back.

"Can I sit with you?" She asked.

"Oh. Of course." I said.

"You know what? People think you're really impressive." She said as she sat beside me.

"I—I don't think so." I said while I awkwardly sipped the juice I bought.

I knew it wasn't true. Maybe they thought I was scary or weird that's why they don't bother approaching me.

She sighed and chuckled.

"Well, most gems doesn't know how beautiful and shiny they are." She said.

I was astonished of how straightforward she was.

"Sorry was I too honest—" she said and made me chuckle.

"No. It's okay, I like it better when people are honest about what they feel." I said.

"I'm, Soo-ah." She said.

"Nice meeting you, Soo-ah" I said.

She stretched her body and looked at me.

"Do you know that you're the talk of the town?" She suddenly said.

I didn't knew what to say.

I was over thinking too much that I thought everyone made a rumor about me.

"People admire you, Soo Jin." She said with a gentle smile and I got confused.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean." I said.

"Look, don't be too hard on yourself. People admire you for being you. For standing up for people who couldn't." She said.

I smiled because her words were just so comforting.

"I didn't knew it'd go this far. I was just frustrated that day that I knew I should do something." I said.

"You did great! Those bullies deserve to be shut once in a while. Thank you for saving Eun Kyung that day." She chuckled and it made me shook my head.

"That's nothing to thank for. I just thought she didn't deserve to be treated like that." I sighed.

Just then, the bell rang and we had to part ways.

"So? Want to come with us after class?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded.

"Yay!! See yah!" She exclaimed as she waved goodbye.

I suddenly remembered I wasn't able to ask what year and class she belonged.

I sighed and walked quietly to my locker to get some books.

As soon as I walked towards the lockers, I heard someone nagging.

"Na Jaemin! Does it really have to take you twenty minutes to get your books out?" A guy with a muscular built said while the guy who he was with was taking his time.

I was leaning on the wall, waiting for them to finish since my locker was below his'

But I got surprised when the guy turned around.

He was that guy.

I didn't knew what to do. I felt my heart stop for a second.

Does he remember me? Should I say hi? Or should I pretend not to know him?

Students started rummaging the hallways getting their own things on their lockers.

I was eaten by my own thoughts that I wasn't even aware he was right in front of me.

It was crowded so it can't be helped that we got too close.

"You must be really lucky. There's a dollar on your shoe." He whispered.

I took a step back and checked on my shoe.

And he was right...

I actually stepped on a dollar bill.

He smiled and left immediately.

I was dumbfounded and chuckled in disbelief.

He must've been really my luck.

That Na Jaemin.

— to be continued —

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