[insert sentimental title here]

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For the next few months, Sora and Roxas never left each other side, they would go to school together, eat together, heck, even a few times they slept together! Seifer never bothered them, in fact, he was not seen at school. Then, finally, Christmas rolled around.
"Hey Roxas! What are your plans for Christmas?" Sora asked Roxas, just as they got out of school for Christmas break.
"I don't really have any plans, do you?" Roxas replied.
"Yeah, my family is coming over." Sora frowned but then perked up. "Hey, you could come over and meet my family, my dad has been wanting to see you!"
"When is it?" Roxas asked.
"Let's see... It's ummm... Oh yeah! Sunday they are coming over."
"Okay, I'll be over then."
"Yay! You get to meet my uncles, my aunts, my cousins--" Roxas interrupted Sora and said,
"Sora, how big is your family?" Sora looked at him.
"Pretty big, my house is gonna be packed."
Oh, this should be fun." Roxas muttered under his breath.
Then the two walked together to Roxas's house.
(Okay, here is the part where I start making up characters, which I am not good at, just bear with me -Sixx)
[fast forward to Sunday]
Roxas was walking towards his boyfriends house. When he turned the corner, he saw that the entire street was packed with cars. Roxas sighed, this was gonna be a long night.
Roxas walked up to Sora's house, knocked on the door, and an elderly woman answered the door.
"How can I help you, young man?
"Sora invited me over to meet his family, I'm his friend, Roxas."
"Oh! I've heard of you, come in! Come in! My name is Karen, nice to meet you!" Roxas stepped inside and shook hand with Karen, then, he set off to find Sora. He soon found his boyfriend playing with a bunch of little children. Roxas called out Sora's name, and the brunette looked up.
"Hey Roxas! When did you get here? This is Andy, this is Jake--" And so the rest of the night went with Sora introducing Roxas to every single one of his relatives, which was quite a lot, mind you. Then once everyone settled down, Roxas and Sora snuck out to head to Roxas's house to have a quiet night.
Once they arrived, Roxas got a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave while Sora put in The Polar Express. After the popcorn was fully popped, they snuggled on the couch and watched the movie. Then, after the movie, Roxas and Sora headed up to the bedroom. But before they got inside, Roxas pushed Sora against the door and smashed his lips against Sora's. When they broke apart, Roxas said,
"You know what, I'm feeling really naughty."
Then Roxas pushed Sora into the room and closed the door.
(I want you to know, I did the Christmas thing just for that last line. Please review, I want the sequel to be even better! This is the last chapter, I will start the sequel as soon as I can. I guess I will leave you to your fantasies. See you in the sequel dear reader! -Sixx)

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