Destiny Island

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( hi, it's me, the guy who's writing this, I'm just gonna explain a few things, first, the time between the 2nd and 3rd was a few weeks, so they grew closer. Also Seifer, god I hate him, found out somehow that Roxas was gay, so yeah. I think that's it. I do not own kingdom hearts. Sorry for the short chapters, this is my first fanfic in a long time. Enjoy the story n stuff. K bye)
As the two lovebirds approached the dock, Roxas saw a decent sized boat with the name "The Key" lettered in gold. Sora pointed to said boat with his free hand and said,
"There she is, my dad's boat, he had it since he got into his Junior year of high school."
"It's a very nice boat." Roxas replied.
"Well, let's get going, I already called Riku and Kiari, they should be waiting." Suddenly Sora's phone rang. After a few seconds his face paled and tears rushed up to his eyes.
"We have to go, NOW!"
Sora yanked Roxas and jammed the keys in the engine and sped off probably way over the speed limit.

Within a few minutes, they arrived at the makeshift dock that Sora and his friends mad when he was younger. Sora jumped out and ran, leaving Roxas to catch up with him. Long after Roxas got out of breath, they arrived at a hospital. They, or should I say, Sora ran in, while Roxas got in a minute later. When Roxas came in, he saw Kiari crying on Sora's shoulder.
"Could *pant* someone *pant* tell me *pant* what is going on!?"
"Riku got hit by a car." Said the weeping Kiari, her voice muffled by Sora's shoulder.
"How!?" Said the no longer out of breath Roxas.
"We were crossing the street, when a black car came speeding out of nowhere, he pushed me out of the way, but-- but-" Kiari then started wailing. Roxas sat down in a chair and waited anxiously with his boyfriend and his friend for the report of Riku's condition.

Thirty minutes later, a young doctor stepped into the waiting room.
"He is going to be okay, minus a few permanent scars, and once he gets home, he will need to rest for about a week."
Kiari ran up and hugged the doctor who stiffened but did not push her away.
"Can we go see him?" Kiari asked enthusiastically.
"Yes but he won't talk much, we put him under a heavy dose." Kiari ran into the room and Sora and Roxas walked in.
After a while of sitting there Sora and Roxas decided that it was time to go home, so they got on "The Key" and sailed back to Twilight Town.

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