The Last Straw

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As Sora and Roxas got off "The Key", they waved each other goodbye as they parted ways towards their respective houses. Roxas hummed a tune as he walked home, tired after all that had happened. As he neared his house, he heard voices laughing and chatting, a lot of voices laughing and chatting in fact. Curious, he looked down the alleyway that contained said voices. He saw Seifer and at least 20 other people surrounding him, empty beer bottles strewn all over the place. Roxas started to back up but tripped over the curb which resulted in him twisting his ankle and crying out. (Roxas you clumsy idiot, you are gonna regret that- Note from author)
Roxas froze, still clutching his ankle as Siefer and the others came over.
"Getting curious Roxas? I guess we will just have to teach you a lesson. Wait, let's make this more interesting, I will give you a minute to run and hide, if we find you, well you already know by now. Run."
Roxas got up and hobbled away as fast as he could, which was actually pretty fast. He turned down into another alleyway and hid in a bunch of trash. A good three people passed him when a boy with golden hair stopped and looked straight into Roxas's eyes. The blonde boy smirked and called out to the others and soon a red headed girl with a sallow face pulled him out of the trash and tossed him out onto the street.
"Found you." The pummeling Roxas was not like the other ones, this was much worse, some kids had rocks, sharp glass, Roxas thought he saw a knife but was too blind in pain to be sure. A good fifteen minutes of this hell and they left Roxas curled up on the street, cuts and bruises all over, his favorite necklace, smashed to pieces on the pavement. Roxas slowly got up, tears blurring his vision and walked home.
Roxas unlocked the door to his house, went into the kitchen, and sat down with his head in his hands. After a few minutes Roxas looked up and saw it, the knife.

(Omg my first cliffhanger-ish. Thanks for the person who commented on the last chapter, I needed that inspiration. I have so many ideas for this story it's gonna be great, well for me, at least, see you in the next chapter, reader.)

Knives & PensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora