He was him, the rich handsome slim guy everyone loved even Rhea and..... I was me, the poor short orphan girl that possessed nothing in this whole world than her virginity.

"Hilarious, I know."

I pushed away that thought as I heard him say " coming" on the other end of the line.

The door was opened revealing a radiant Dom Swent in a navy blue tee and black jeans with messy hair.

Wonder how he can see me with those hairs all over his face.

He smiled at me passing his hand through his hairs. He looked hot.

" Hi babe " he flashed a wide smile. Think he's excited. I chuckled at his reaction and got in as he indicated by his hand swing.

" Were you sleeping? " I asked smiling.

" Yeah. I had work to complete last night and I ended this morning." he answered.

" I'm sorry for waking you up then."

" Don't worry about that." he took my hand bag from me, taking me by surprise.

" Come with me " we walked into what was supposed to be a living room.

" Take a seat, I'll be back" he disappeared right after hanging my hand bag on a sort of spike like pole. The living room was the same as the last time I came here.

The sofas were still red arranged in a circle like manner around a glass table. The walls were pale orange. I smiled at it my favourite colour.

" What makes you smile?" I jumped off my seat when I heard his voice.

" Jesus! Dom." I said in a high pitch voice. He stood there laughing at me or might I said laughing at my reaction.

"Oh it's funny. You think it's funny huh don't bother I'll have you taste the awful part of me" I think I was just turning  ridiculous as he kept laughing harder but then, his laughter was contagious as I also started chuckling for no definite reason.

We were now in the kitchen as I tried to do lemonade for both of us. I verbally listed the ingredients as he took them, placing them on the large island table. I washed the lemons, cut and started squeezing them. He was sitted on a Island stool opposite to me and was observing me.

The lemons were too big for my hands to squeeze efficiently and I think he noticed as he rounded the table to my side. He took all the ones I had half squeezed and squeezed them again draining all of their content into the bowl Infront of me.

I looked at him with a smirk on, he was concentrated on the lemons so did not look at me. I stared at him for a while before he took me by surprise.

" You really have an issue for staring at people huh?" I quickly detached my eyes from him, bit my buttom lip and blushed and he threw his head back and laughed. Now I was really embarrassed and I look down at the table.

" Did I tell you I had an elder brother?'' I said as his laughter died.

"He wasn't really my elder brother not that I'm not satisfied with him. I really love him" I paused and looked at his face from which I couldn't read the emotion but still decided to continue  

" Not that I'm comparing you to him, your completely different from him but in some way it's fun to be with you." I didn't know what was coming out of my mouth as I didn't think about it in the first place. He looked at me and smiled.

" Don't tell me you want to make your love declaration to me while doing lemonade." he said in an amused tone. I looked at him confused and embarrassed. He's teasing again. I laughed at him.

The Lonely AristocratWhere stories live. Discover now