Chapter 9

490 19 19

Location: Beach Mansion
Time: 8:00 AM Wednesday.

I woke up and saw Lisa with a smug grin, well i wish we did "that" yesterday but no, well i'm fine with taking it slow i'll wait for the right time....

"Sooo, how did it go last night?" She asked

"Well we just holded hands and cuddled." I replied.

"That's too indecent, just kidding~" Lisa jokingly said

Rinko woked up

"Ah, good morning Rinko-san" I said.

"Good Morning....." Rinko said while sighing.

Rinko saw Lisa's smug smile and got embarrassed, i calmed her down by patting her head.

I went downstairs for breakfast.

"There's a fireworks show here that will be coming at night" The butler told us

"Well let's go again together" Kazuki said.

"Well except for L/N and Shirokane-san" Kazuki added.

"Well just be careful." Yukina said.

"Yeah, be careful not to get lost" Sayo added.

"That goes without saying" I said.

I headed to the living room.

"Hey Kazuki, follow me i need to tell you something" I said

Kazuki nodded and got to the garden

"I thought you were gonna go with someone else, weird" I said.

"Oh you mean Minato-san, no i won't...." He said.

"Why not?" I asked him

"Well, truth to be told, i was supposed to die 4 months ago, but i didn't, but during that time i guess i just lost my feelings for her........" He said.

"Wait really?" I asked again

He nodded

"Besides if i dated her, the illness can come back anytime..." He added

"True" I said.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to see the fireworks with just Rinko, Go the forest and turn right." He said

"I see, thanks" I said.

"Well it's been fun talking to you, see you later" He said.

We waved goodbye and i started heading at my room






A lot of waiting later, it's time for our date, i got on my casual clothes.

I head to her room.

She's wearing a yukata, she looks so good...

I snapped myself back at reality.

"Well let's go" I offered.

"Yeah, let's go" She said back.

We decided to leave earlier than them .

We held hands and headed to the shrine.





'Well, where shall we go?' I asked myself.

I saw an okonomiyaki stall and we headed there

"Hello sir, how 'bout some okonomiyaki to share with your girlfriend?" The man in the stall said.

Rinko blushed but i didn't mind.

"Well i'll get one" I said to the man

"That'll be 400 yen, sir." He said while i handed the correct amount of money.

The guy in the stall handed me the okonomiyaki and headed for a bench to sit in.

"Say ahhh" I said while feeding her the food.

Rinko shyly opened her mouth, then ate it.

"It's really good....." She said, slightly suprised.

"Yeah it is" I replied back.

We finished our food and headed to the candied apple stall.

I bought one for Rinko.

"Thanks, Y/N-san....." She said.

"No problem." I replied back.

Seems like she liked it.

"Hey can i taste it?" I asked.

"Uhhhhh...., sure.." Rinko said shyly.

I tasted it, it's really sweet with a hint of spiciness

I handed her back the candied apple.

We played at many, many booths, on one of them i won a teddy bear, i didn't want it so i gave it to Rinko.




We headed again to the Ema.

"What are you wishing for?" I asked her.

"T-To be a better girl.... who deserves your love, u-ummm sorry........ that was-"

"It's fine, you're already doing that since we started dating." I said to comfort her.

We both made our wishes.

"Follow me" I said to her

She nodded.

I did what Kazuki said and headed to the forest and turned right.

We were on a cliff but near the shrine that we can from above.

I have to thank Kazuki later.

We held hands, simply waiting for the fireworks.



The first firework popped off, it was so colorful and beatiful.

Then a series of fireworks popped off into the sky, some a yellow colored one, a red colored one, and by my suprise a rainbow one.

Before i knew it, it was already over.

"Let's head back." I said

"Yeah..." She replied

We head back to the mansion, holding hands.




"Rin-rin, where did you get that teddy bear, it looks cute" Ako said at the bear Rinko's holding.

"Umm... Y/N-san got it for me" Rinko said at Ako

"Really, i'm so jealous...." Ako said.

"Well i'll head back to my room" I waved everyone goodbye.



Alright this is a good step, i'll definitely kiss Rinko tommorow, i swear on it.

I slept daydreaming on how i will kiss her......

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