Chapter 10

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Location: Beach Mansion
Time: 8:00 AM Thursday

I woke up, this is our last day here, so we'll once again head to the beach.

But before that this breakfast was sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, i mean Rade, a food company that my aunt owns.

"Itadakimasu" Everyone said while clapping their hands

We all ate, this is really good, i'll definitely buy this when i head to the convienience store next time

After we all finished eating we all took our time preparing for our swimwear.

After preparing our swimwear, we head to the beach, still beautiful and calming as ever.

"You're no fun L/N-kun, you're playing a beach game on a beach." Ako pouted.

"Well i'll join you later, okay?" I said.

After i said that Rinko and Ako played in the water.

Well i'll just complete this mission real quick, or so i thought.




Whew finally that was so hard, why?.

I headed to the water, it's so cold, the heck?

Ako splashed water onto my face.

"You're going to pay" I said with a smirk.

"Run!" Ako said.

"You're not getting away" I said.





I've been into the water for so long my fingers and feet are starting to have wrinkles, i searched a place to sit on.

I found a rock near the beach, Rinko is there, staring contently at the sea, hair flowing thanks to the wind.

"Yo, Rinko-san, what are you doing here?" I said while sitting down besides her.

"Nothing, just in thought" Rinko answered.

"Of what?" I asked

"You...." Rinko said with a shy smile.

"What about me?" I asked her again

"Everything you've done to me, you've help me so much, but i've done nothing to repay you..... i'm sorry" Rinko apologized.

"Don't apologize it's alright, you've done plenty of things that makes me happy." I said

"Like what?" Rinko shyly asked.

"Your smile." I answered honestly.

"I see, your smiles makes me happy too" Rinko shyly admitted.

"I'm glad we feel the same way" I said

Rinko nodded.

"I have a favor to ask of you" I said.

"Ummm, what is it?" Rinko asked.

"Come with me at the beach at night, okay?" I said.

"Okay." Rinko affirmed.

"Well let's head back, or else everyone will think we've done "that"." I said

"Yeah, good idea...." Rinko said, a bit embarrassed.

We held hands as we came back with the rest of the group.




"Kazuki, thanks for giving me the directions yesterday" I bowed my head.

"It's nothing, i just heard it from Lecia-san" Kazuki admitted.

"Well i'll be on my way to my room, later." I waved goodbye.

He waved goodbye and i started heading to my room, waiting for nightfall.







I knocked at Rinko's door

"Come in" Rinko said.

I opened the door

"Oh it's you Y/N-san" She said

"Well let's go" I said.

Rinko simply nodded and we headed to the beach.



"Ummm, can i kiss you?" I said.

Rinko is cleary embarrassed.

"Sorry, we haven't kissed yet for like 4 months so-"

I was cutted off by Rinko kissing me, our kiss was long and passionate, only stopping for air.

"That was my first kiss...., never thought it would feel this good...." Rinko said.

"Same here... hey can i do it again?" I begged her.

"Sure, as many as you w-want" Rinko stuttered at the last word

We kissed again, on the beach at night, above was a lot of stars, symbolizing our future...., if not for the Sunset Bridge, i wouldn't be together forever with my beloved, Rinko Shirokane, my little cute girlfriend........

"Sunset Bridge" (Rinko Shirokane x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant