The Protector's Battle

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"Shut up," a voice growled.

The Italian it addressed didn't heed the warning - instead they chose to scream louder.

"Help!" Lila screeched. "He's going to kill me!"

Protector stalked forward, watching as she edged backwards and quieted in fear. Alya moved to stand protectively in front of her figure.

"I don't know what your problem is, but Lila hasn't done anything wrong to you!" the reporter shouted. "She's the nicest person I've ever met!"

"That fox might not have done anything to me, but she still had the audacity to dare hurt my Angel and Moon."


"And so did you," he snarled, stepping closer and ignoring her confusion. "Pushing, shoving, accusing of unspeakable acts. If anything, you're worse than her."

Damian raised his gun to aim at Lila, yet Alya bravely got in the way. She glared at the akuma for a few seconds, before appearing to have processed his words. Then, her expression somehow became even more heated.

"Oh, why am I not surprised? It's Marinette and Felix you're talking about, isn't it? I knew that they were working with Hawk Moth, but I didn't think they'd use him to torment us!"

Protector pulled out his katana in a swift movement, and held it right beneath the girl's throat. His shadowed face was clearly seen to be angered, despite the fact that a dark mask was on it.

"I advise that you stop talking, or I won't hesitate to do what most are afraid to."

The threat caused Alya to zip her mouth, as he used his other hand to point his firearm in Lila's direction. Said person paled exponentially, pressing against the Eiffel Tower rails behind.

"Let's see how you fare with the pain you yourself forced them to suffer," Damian snarled, narrowing his emerald eyes and pulling the trigger to his weapon.

The brunette shrieked, her body shaking as a purple bullet shot at her. She sunk to her knees, holding the sides of her head whilst her sclera turned a bright white.

Alya gasped, about to face Lila, until Protector made her freeze with the snap of, "I can promise that you'll suffer sooner if you try and stop me from completing my mission."

The villain slowly tilted his head to the helicopters above, capturing the scene with several cameras. His lips twitched upwards, as he took a step back from the two females and turned away from them.

"Stop!" Lila yelled, trembling. "I hate it, please, Hawk Moth, make it stop!"

Protector let out a dark chuckle. "I doubt that that wretch will answer to his lackey at this point in time," he spoke, revelling in the gasps from the people around. "I already took care of him."

"What did you do to her?" Alya asked. "How do we make it stop?!"

"It's simple, really. All the fox has to do is admit what she did to my Angel and Moon, then it'll all go away."

"But she didn't do anything!"

Damian smirked. "We'll see if you keep that opinion in the future."

His smile widened into a grin when he heard a faint zipping noise far away, as he faced Alya and Lila again. The action was done just in time to see three teens land in front of the duo.

"Angel," he acknowledged with a nod.

"Damian," Ladybug pleaded. "Please, you don't have to do this. We can expose her another way."

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